
GitHub meta repository for sbgisen.


GitHub meta repository for sbgisen.

Reusable workflow

Linter for ROS packages

The workflow can check the following items automatically.

  • C++
    • Format (clang-format)
  • Python
    • Format (autopep8)
    • Lint (flake8)
  • Cmake
    • Format (cmake-format)
  • Yaml
    • Lint (yamllint)
  • XML (launch files, package.xml, xacro files, urdf files)
    • Format (xmllint)
    • Lint (xmllint)
      • Only launch files and package.xml


  1. Create a GitHub actions workflow file in your repository. e.g. [repository_root]/.github/workflows/[your_workflow_name].yml

  2. Just add uses as in the example file.

    You should set trigger to on: [pull_request]. Because the workflow suggest format and comment lint error with Pull Request review API.

name: [your_workflow_name]

on: [pull_request]

    name: Linter for ROS packages
    uses: sbgisen/.github/.github/workflows/linter_ros_package.yaml@main

This repository contains Release Drafter config file. .github/release-drafter.yml

You can call workflow, with the following:

    uses: sbgisen/.github/.github/workflows/release-drafter.yml@main

Build ROS package on docker

ros-build.yml can be verified that the build of the ROS package located in the repository passes.

Input parameters

  • secrets.ssh_key

    Use to execute wstool. Set private SSH key to secrets on the repository/organization.

  • secrets.known_hosts

    Use to execute wstool. Set the result of ssh-keyscan github.com to secrets on the repository/organization.

  • inputs.package_name (Optional)

    ROS package name. Default is github.event.repository.name.

  • inputs.install_libfreenect2 (Optional)

    Whether the workflow install libfreenect2. Default is false.

  • inputs.run_test (Optional)

    Whether the workflow run rostest. Default is false.

  • inputs.runs_on (Optional)

    Select environment. Default is ubuntu-latest. To use self hosted runner, set tags to this parameter such as [self-hosted, lab]

  • inputs.setup_script (Optional)

    Setup script filename. Default is empty. To install/setup dependencies not supported by wstool or rosdep.


You can call workflow, with the following:

    name: Build ROS package
    uses: sbgisen/.github/.github/workflows/ros-build.yml@main
      ssh_key: ${{ secrets.SSH_KEY }}
      known_hosts: ${{ secrets.KNOWN_HOSTS }}
      install_libfreenect2: false
      run_test: false
      runs_on: ubuntu-latest

Run ROS test

ros-test.yml can run ros test.

Input parameters

  • inputs.package_name (Optional)

    ROS package name. Default is github.event.repository.name.

  • inputs.install_libfreenect2 (Optional)

    Whether the workflow install libfreenect2. Default is false.

  • inputs.setup_script (Optional)

    Setup script filename. Default is empty. To install/setup dependencies not supported by wstool or rosdep.


  1. Please add self-hosted-runner to the repository/organization to use this job.
    • The job is run on the self hosted server with self-hosted and lab labels.
  2. You can call workflow, with the following:
    name: Run ROS test
    uses: sbgisen/.github/.github/workflows/ros-test.yml@main
      install_libfreenect2: false