Python Bootcamp for Data week 2 assignment
This week, you learned how to create functions, classes, and methods. These are the basis of almost any program you might create with Python. Functions and classes are useful for organizing code, increasing maintainability and code reuse. You'll use that knowledge to complete the assignment in this repository.
💡 This template repository is made for GitHub Classroom delivery, but can be used independently if you want to learn on your own.
This repository uses automated grading (or testing). When starting, all automated tests will fail. Your task is to make them all pass.
- Open and address each of the problems defined in the comment blocks
- Make your changes and push them the repository.
- Watch the tests results in the actions tab of your repository. Every push will trigger the autograding.
- Repeat the fix/push/verify cycle until all tests are passing and the actions tab shows a green.
💡 As part of the GitHub Classroom setup, you might get an automated Pull Request created for direct feedback by your Professor or by the TAs.
Verify your work by running pytest -v
in the root of your repository. If you are using Codespaces, pytest
will already be installed for you and available for you to run tests that are used for auto-grading.
Use the linked resources in this section to review and reference any of the previously covered content. All questions in this assignment come from content previously covered in the bootcamp course.
- week 1: Introduction to Python
- Week 2: Python Functions and Classes
- Week 3: Testing In Python
- Week 4: Introduction to Pandas and Numpy
- Testing In Python book
- Minimal Python book
- Free Azure Certification for Students
- Python for Beginners Learn Path
🎥 Click the image below to access week 2 of the full course on O'Reilly
This assignent is for week 2 (out of 4) of the Python Bootcamp for Data. The whole course has four weeks:
- week 1: Introduction to Python
- Week 2: Python Functions and Classes
- Week 3: Testing In Python
- Week 4: Introduction to Pandas and Numpy
Open the bonus directory and then look into the file. It has almost the same code as the previous bonus challenge. You will need to follow the instructions in the comments to add functions and classes. This bonus assignment is not graded and will not trigger auto-grading. It is meant to be a challenge for you to practice what you learned in the course.