Gas mapping system integrated with ROS using the KernelDM+V method (python2.7 compatible, tested with ROS Kinetic under Ubuntu 16.04)
Stephan Muller -
- S. Asadi and A. Lilienthal, "Approaches to time-dependent gas distribution modelling," 2015 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Lincoln, 2015, pp. 1-6.
- A. J. Lilienthal, M. Reggente, M. Trincavelli, J. L. Blanco and J. Gonzalez, "A statistical approach to gas distribution modelling with mobile robots - The Kernel DM+V algorithm," 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, St. Louis, MO, 2009, pp. 570-576.
- Neumann, Patrick. (2013). BAM-Dissertationsreihe. Bd. 109: Gas Source Localization and Gas Distribution Mapping with a Micro-Drone. Berlin : Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)
Simulation environment:
- core_messages/hw_msgs
- Python2 dependencies:
- matplotlib
- numpy
- networkx
Load the rosbags:
rosbag play spot2_globalplan_2020-02-26-12-51-20_0.bag spot2_artifact_2020-02-26-12-51-19_0.bag spot2_localplan_2020-02-26-12-51-20_0.bag spot2_artifact_2020-02-26-13-36-30_1.bag spot2_tf_2020-02-26-12-51-20_0.bag base1_lamp_2020-02-26-13-55-29_102.bag lamp_posegraph.bag lamp_posegraph_incremental.bag -r 20 -s 1450
Load the environment:
roslaunch gas_mapping_kerneldm gas_map_bags_urban.launch
This node reads the /spot2/co2
data, align the position of the measurements with the pose graph and then publishes a mean and variance map of the readings using the KernelDM+V method.
Subscribes to:
- hw_msgs/PointSourceDetection
- pose_graph_msgs/PoseGraph
- visualization_msgs/MarkerArray
- visualization_msgs/MarkerArray
- visualization_msgs/MarkerArray