
ROS workspace and tutorial for the "Sensor Box" containing Velodyne, RGB and ToF cameras

Primary LanguageC++

Sensor Box ITV


Sensor Box ITV is a 'wooden box' to perform data acquisition. This box is provided with:

  • Velodyne 16
  • Axis IP RGB Camera
  • ToF camera o3d3xx

The camera/velodyne calibration was made based on the following paper:


This tutorial was ment to be executed on a Ubuntu 16.04 machine with ROS Kinetic.

  • Clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/h3ct0r/sensor_box_itv

  • Copy this repository to your catkin workspace

  • Install OpenCV 3 from apt

    sudo apt install ros-kinetic-opencv3

  • Install Velodyne libs:

    $ cd /tmp
    $ git clone https://github.com/robofit/but_velodyne_lib
    $ sudo apt install libboost-math-dev
    $ cd but_velodyne_lib
    $ mkdir bin; cd bin
    $ cmake ..
    $ make
    $ sudo make install
  • Install ToF libs:

    $ cd /tmp
    $ git clone https://github.com/lovepark/libo3d3xx
    $  sudo apt install libxmlrpc-c++8-dev libgtest-dev libopencv-core-dev libopencv-imgproc-dev libopencv-highgui-dev libopencv-contrib-dev libgtkglext1 libgtkglext1-dev
    $ cd libo3d3xx
    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build
    $ cmake ..
    $ make
    $ sudo make install
  • Run catkin_make from your catkin workspace

  • Check for compilation errors


Before running the nodes, you need to check first if everything is well connected and powered.

  • Connect the blue ethernet cable from the switch to the computer (cable label says ubuntu)

  • Set a ip address at the same network than the other devices:

    sudo ifconfig eth0

  • Check if the devices are reachable:

    ping (Axis) ping (Velodyne) ping (ToF camera)

  • If a device does not respond to ping, then check cables, power, etc.

Running nodes

  • After all hardware configurations and packages are installed, just need to edit the launch file to define where to save the ROS Bags and activate/deactivate the respetive bags defining "true/false" on the arguments ["record_velodyne", "record_rgb_camera", "record_tof_camera"]:

    $ roscd sensor_box_itv
    $ vim launch/init_sensors.launch
  • Then finally run: roslaunch sensor_box_itv init_sensors.launch

If the RViz interface does not open run: rosrun rviz rviz

Remember to set the correct transformation on RViz to see the pointcloud correctly aligned


  • Write MOAR Tests
  • Add support to color maps



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