- 3
Archiving this repo?
#324 opened by roblarsen - 1
Modals Rework and Rebirth
#322 opened by grayghostvisuals - 0
Not able to use in Angular (2+)
#323 opened by shobhit-github - 5
Remove blur modal effect
#308 opened by davidyezsetz - 14
Remove jQuery functions as they are an overhead for something as simple as this library
#312 opened by ShashankaNataraj - 17
Add JSHint and JSCS
#314 opened by arthurvr - 7
Remove Modernizr references
#315 opened by ShashankaNataraj - 0
A tutorial for adding effects to WordPress?
#318 opened by paaljoachim - 2
New slideIn effect
#302 opened by hybridpro - 5
automatically deploy gh-pages branch using travis
#306 opened by arthurvr - 6
- 12
- 5
Off Screen Nav animation is not quite working
#295 opened by NoobCodeMan - 9
- 0
Remove most of list scroll things, except the ones that works super well on phone
#242 opened by grayghostvisuals - 0
- 4
Instructions in using Positional Modals
#245 opened by imajean - 18
Create an Effeckt.js module/core
#255 opened by toddmotto - 8
Logo Boredom
#277 opened by grayghostvisuals - 2
Bug: windows 8.1 IE11, blank screen div
#276 opened by wonglok - 5
- 10
Project status
#319 opened by morenoh149 - 4
Update the version of Effeckt on npm
#316 opened by arthurvr - 9
Looks like a pretty interesting project, what happened here? No longer being maintained?
#307 opened by ShashankaNataraj - 5
- 4
- 1
Adjust class names: “md-effect-1” == bad
#243 opened by grayghostvisuals - 2
Effeckt.css website 404s
#291 opened by frankie-loves-jesus - 27
Demo page is broken in latest Firefox
#278 opened by MarcDiethelm - 0
- 7
Allow Page Container to Close Off Screen Nav
#269 opened by gekkeabt - 12
Prototyping: will-change
#283 opened by wonglok - 1
bug: wrong class name & loss of 3d-ness-perspective
#274 opened by wonglok - 3
- 1
Usage documentation
#262 opened by benfields - 6
Current Config and Build Process for README
#254 opened by grayghostvisuals - 3
Which files to include and browser support?
#265 opened by nojaf - 2
Effeckt.css - Image
#261 opened by pavelbinar - 7
- 2
- 4
Error thrown if modernizr not included
#232 opened by whitneyland - 5
- 2
Use effekt with angularjs
#226 opened by timactive - 1
Suggestion for add Animate.css and CSS3Magic
#239 opened by tunnckoCore - 3
Awesome Job!
#246 opened by bspeagle - 0
working with canvas/scroll/full viewport
#237 opened by naeluh - 0
working with canvas
#236 opened by naeluh - 0
- 3
#230 opened by beriberikix - 1
Nested mixin error
#225 opened by SteveBenner