
My blog. Ran under http://habi.gna.ch with WordPress, is now "run" by `hugo` and hosted by Netlify under http://blog.davidhaberthuer.ch

Primary LanguageHack

Netlify Status

My blog

Aeons ago I started with Movable Type, then switched to Wordpress. Now I'd like to take away a ton of dependencies and just let it run by a static site generator.

At the moment, Hugo in combination with Netlify seems like a compelling solution to simplify my life.

Steps to export and convert the data

  • Export an XML file from the WordPress admin interface. Probably you only want the posts, not everything.
  • Clone the exitwp repository by issuing git clone https://github.com/thomasf/exitwp.git ~/Dev/exitwp in your terminal. This piece of fine software converts a WordPress export to a bunch of Markdown files and also grabs (most of) the images.
  • Copy the exported XML file to the path where exitwp would like to have it: cp ~/Downloads/*.xml ~/Dev/exitwp/wordpress-xml
  • Run exitwp: cd ~/Dev/exitwp/ && python2.7 exitwp.py (If you set download_images: True in config.yaml you should also get (most of) the images).
  • You now get an export of the site in ~/Dev/exitwp/build/jekyll/habi.gna.ch.

Get up and running

  • Start a new hugo site with cd ~/Dev && hugo new site blog --force. This only has to be done the first time...
  • cd blog
  • git submodule add https://github.com/budparr/gohugo-theme-ananke.git themes/ananke
  • echo 'theme = "ananke"' >> config.toml
  • Edit config.toml to taste.
  • Now unzip the hugo-export.zip file from above.
  • Copy all the posts from the exported directory to the blog directory: mkdir -p ~/Dev/blog/content/posts && cp ~/Dev/exitwp/build/jekyll/habi.gna.ch/_posts/* ~/Dev/blog/content/posts/
  • Copy all the images from the exitwp directory to the blog directory: mkdir -p ~/Dev/blog/static/images && cp ~/Dev/exitwp/build/jekyll/habi.gna.ch/images/*/*.* ~/Dev/blog/static/images/. We move the images from their subfolder to a single new folder.
  • Now you should have a (semi)working hugo blog, test it with cd ~/Dev/blog && hugo server. All images are still served from their original URLs.

Host this thing (automatically)

  • Follow this guide
  • Set up DNS, e.g. set the following in the admin panel of cyon. Netlify tells us to do blog CNAME very-fancy-strings-with-numbers.netlify.com