This project reads ECG signals using ECG sensor, plots those signals in real-time and computes the heart rate

Directory Structure

  • Milestone 1: contains the slides, the project and the readme for milestone 1

  • KEIL_CubeMX_Projects: contains the project for the final demo

  • Screenshots for BPM: includes 5 screenshots of calculated bpm and plot of ECG signals

  • Videos for BPM: includes 2 videos (one with circuit shown and one without circuit) for process of collecting 1 min-worth of data and repoting bpm

  • The C code is in /KEIL_CubeMX_Projects/Src

  • The Python code is in /KEIL_CubeMX_Projects/MDK-ARM

  • Supported commands:

    • To collect 1 minute worth of data: "start"
    • To report bpm: "bpm"
    • To change the sampling frequency: "f=xxxx"
  • To-do:

    • Compute several values for bpm in 1 minute and take average

To run final milestone

  • Build and download the C program onto the STM32 microcontroller
  • Make the appropriate connections between the USB-to-TTL and the micronctonroller
  • Make the appropriate connections between the ECG sensor and the microcontroller Run these command at project root
cd KEIL_CubeMX_Projects/MDK-ARM/
python term.py

To run milestone 1

  • Build and download the C program onto the STM32 microcontroller
  • Make the appropriate connections between the USB-to-TTL and the micronctonroller
  • Make the appropriate connections between the ECG sensor and the microcontroller Run these command at project root
cd Milestone1/
python term.py