
Model-based Automatic Datatype Conversion Tool

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


An automatic datatype conversion generation tool based on dproto models.

What is it?

dconv is an automatic data conversion tool that support both static code generation (C/C++ target) and dynamic runtime conversion, from semantic annotations, called dproto models. A dproto model includes semantic information about a data structure, independently from its *digital data representation`, that is, the model used to express the datatype (usually an IDL to describe Communication Objects).

dconv exploits dproto models to generate C-code automatically to convert from one datatype to another, if they are semantically equivalent, or if enough knowledge has been placed into the models to perform so.

Please see folder busted and examples for further hints.


Embedding the runtime is rather straighforward. An example with ROS (rclc) can be found here dconv-rclc-example. Moreover, it is possible to build a docker image from the dockerfile in the docker subfolder of this project. The image alleviates the pain of solving the dependencies to try out the software, especially the runtime engine of dconv. Instructions can be found in instructions.md

Current supported ddr (or existing IDL)s:

The following table shows the current status of the supported ddr:

DDR Static Dynamic
ASN1 X -
c99 X X
Eigen X -
ROS2-rclc - X
SmartSoftCommunicationObject - X

Manual installation (no docker container)

A Lua interpreter (tested on Lua5.2) and luarocks tool to ease process.

  1. Install lua5.2 and lua5.2-dev (NOTE: getting luarocks using apt-get install results in an incompatible installation on Ubuntu 16.04 as of 14 Jun 2018)

    sudo apt-get install lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev

  2. Download and install luarocks

    • download from https://luarocks.org/ or using wget:

      wget http://luarocks.github.io/luarocks/releases/luarocks-2.4.4.tar.gz

    • unpack the source archive:

      tar zxvf luarocks-2.4.4.tar.gz

    • build it:

      cd luarocks-2.4.4/
      ./configure --lua-version=5.2
      make build
      sudo make install
      cd ..
  3. Download the required rockspecs with curl or wget:

wget https://people.mech.kuleuven.be/~u0072295/software/luarocks/lua-common-tools-0.1-2.rockspec
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/haianos/dconv-tool/master/dconv-tool-0.1-1.rockspec
  1. Installing the:

    luarocks install --local lua-common-tools-0.1-2.rockspec
    luarocks install --local dconv-tool-0.1-1.rockspec


See docs folder (coming soon)



Please, see busted/test4 subfolder and dconv-rclc-example.

Usage as a library

The dconv-tool can be used directly as a Lua module:

dconv    = require('dproto-conv-gen')
ddr_models = {
 asn_files = { ... } -- list of asn models
ret, err =  dconv.init_runtime(dprotofile,ddr_models)
if not ret then error(err); end

where dprotofile is a .dproto file model, and ddr_models are a collection of dictionaries (Lua table), each one dedicate do a different DDR representation:

  • asn_files: list (Lua table) of input ASN1 models.

dconv provides:

  • A common API based on the algebraic information of the datatype to link to the relative C-code generation;
  • convert, a conversion function that returns a function to generate statically C body functions for datatype conversion.


The following

s = SDBLX('Base_Quaternion')

generates a code generation object for the dproto definition with id "Base_Quaternion", which has been defined as

dproto Base_Quaternion :: geometric {
  semantic  = Orientation
  coord     = quaternion
  algebraic = quat_named
  ddr       = :: ASN1 {Base-Types.Wrappers-Quaterniond}
  dr        = {re=w, im.0=x, im.1=y, im.2=z}

The model above enriches the digital data representation (ddr) used in the implementation; in this case, a Base-Types.Wrappers-Quaterniond defined by means of ASN1 IDL. The semantic of the dproto is Orientation, that is, the associate datatype represent an orientation in space, within the domain of geometric. The coordinate representation is of type quaternion, and its algebraic representation is quat_named that has been defined as:

algebraic quat_named :: Scalar{x,y,z,w}

This means that, semantically speaking, the right accessor to this model is by referring to it's algebraic representation: in this case, a list of scalars. Therefore, we can access to the concrete accessor of the datatype by means of the values x,y,z and w. For example, s.w refers to the concrete datatype data.re, while s.x refers to s.im.arr[0], which are the generated datatypes from the ASN1 description of Base-Types.Wrappers-Quaterniond as reported below:

ASN1 Model

Wrappers-Quaterniond ::= SEQUENCE
    im  SEQUENCE(SIZE(1 .. 3)) OF T-Double,
    re  T-Double

Generated datatypes with ASN1 compiler

typedef struct {    int nCount; 
    T_Double arr[3];
} Wrappers_Quaterniond_im;

typedef struct {
    Wrappers_Quaterniond_im im;
    T_Double re;
} Wrappers_Quaterniond;

Providing another dproto definition of compatible semantics, it is possible to use the convert function to generate the body of the function

g, e = dconv.convert('Base_Quaternion','kul_quaternion')

where e is returning error message (if any), while g is a function that generates the body text and can be used in your application. For example:


generates (print to stdout):

rhs(0) = lhs.im.arr[0];
rhs(1) = lhs.im.arr[1];
rhs(2) = lhs.im.arr[2];
rhs(3) = lhs.re;

Replacing nil with a file descriptor will write the output above there. For commodity, it is possible to buffer the output with dconv.CaptureOutput as follows:

local out = dconv.CaptureOutput()

out can be turn to a string, streaming out its content.

Usage as Command-line tool

As a quick alternative to the Lua module API, a convenient command-line tool is provided dconv


    dconv: a static generator of datatypes models (dproto) conversions to C

Usage: dconv [OPTIONS] --from <dproto-name> --to <dproto-name>
    from       Source dproto identifier (name) for the conversion
    to         Target dproto identifier (name) for the conversion
    --asn1      <ASN1 input files>     list of ASN1 models as input (.asn1)
    --dproto    <dproto input>         dproto file model (input) (.dproto)
    -o          <filename>             output (generated C/C++ source)

    -h        prints this help
dconv --dproto busted/test1/dproto/test1.dproto --asn1 busted/test1/asn/taste-types.asn \
        busted/test1/asn/taste-extended.asn busted/test1/asn/userdefs-base.asn busted/test1/asn/mybase.asn \
        --from Base_Pose lhs. --to kul_pose2 rhs.

This example can also be executed by running ./examples/runme.sh.

Run the tests

All tests uses the Busted Framework and they are self-contained in the busted folder of this repository. To try them out, download this repository with


source the sourceme.sh

source sourceme.sh

and run them as:

busted busted/testX/testX.lua

where X is the test number to execute.

Description of the tests can be found in description.md in each relative test subfolder.



TODO, describe dproto model (see publication)

  • domain
  • semantic
  • coord
  • algebraic
  • ddr
  • dr



Released under MIT license.


  • peraspera/ESROCOS project
  • H2020 RobMoSys