
Docker 优秀资源集锦


Docker 优秀项目和资源大全。

Awesome Docker Awesome


Awesome-Docker 是由 Julien Bisconti 发起和维护的 Docker 资源列表。该列表收集了许多 Docker 相关的优秀资源和项目,方便了 Docker 用户参考查阅。

Docker 优秀资源大全中文版 则是依据 Awesome-Docker 翻译而来。 欢迎你帮助一起对这些资源进行整理和推荐,以方便其他用户更容易查找和理解。

All the links are monitored and tested with awesome_bot made by @dkhamsing

What is Docker ?

Docker is an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications. Consisting of Docker Engine, a portable, lightweight runtime and packaging tool, and Docker Hub, a cloud service for sharing applications and automating workflows, Docker enables apps to be quickly assembled from components and eliminates the friction between development, QA, and production environments. As a result, IT can ship faster and run the same app, unchanged, on laptops, data center VMs, and any cloud.

Source: What is Docker

Where to start ?


Useful Articles

Main Resources

General Articles

Portuguese Articles

Deep Dive




Cloud Infrastructure

Good Tips


Continuous Integration

Optimizing Images

Service Discovery



Raspberry Pi & ARM



In English





Terminal User Interface

Dev Tools

Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery

  • Awesome-ciandcd - Not specific to docker but relevant.
  • Buddy - The best of Git, build & deployment tools combined into one powerful tool that supercharged our development
  • Captain - Convert your Git workflow to Docker containers ready for Continuous Delivery by @harbur
  • CircleCI - Push or pull Docker images from your build environment, or build and run containers right on CircleCI.
  • CodeFresh - Accelerate your transition to Docker containers
  • CodeShip - Work with your established Docker workflows while automating your testing and deployment tasks with our hosted platform dedicated to speed and security.
  • Docker plugin for Jenkins - The aim of the docker plugin is to be able to use a docker host to dynamically provision a slave, run a single build, then tear-down that slave.
  • Dockunit - Docker based integration tests. A simple Node based utility for running Docker based unit tests. By @dockunit
  • Drone - Continuous integration server built on Docker and configured using YAML files.
  • GitLab CI - GitLab has integrated CI to test, build and deploy your code with the use of GitLab runners.
  • GOCD-DockerGo Server and Agent in docker containers to provision.
  • IBM DevOps Services - Continuous delivery using a pipeline deployment onto IBM Containers on Bluemix.
  • Shippable - A SaaS platform for developers and DevOps teams that significantly reduces the time taken for code to be built, tested and deployed to production.
  • Watchtower - Automatically update running Docker containers by @CenturyLinkLabs
  • Microservices Continuous Deployment - Continuous deployment of a microservices application
  • Pumba - Chaos testing tool for Docker. Can be deployed on Kubernets and CoreOS clusters.


  • Conduit - Experimental deployment system for Docker by @ehazlett
  • depcon - Depcon is written in Go and allows you to easily deploy Docker containers to Apache Mesos/Marathon, Amazon ECS and Kubernetes. By @gonodr
  • dockit - Do docker actions and Deploy gluster containers!
  • rocker-compose - Docker composition tool with idempotency features for deploying apps composed of multiple containers.
  • Zodiac - A lightweight tool for easy deployment and rollback of dockerized applications. By @CenturyLinkLabs

Hosting for repositories (registries)

Securely store your Docker images.

  • Docker Hub (provided by Docker Inc.)
  • Quay.io (part of CoreOS) - Secure hosting for private Docker repositories
  • GitLab Container Registry - Repositories focused on using it images in GitLab CI
  • TreeScale - Build and Distriubute container based applicaitons.

Hosting for containers

Reverse Proxy

Web Interface

Local Container Manager

Volume management and plugins

  • Blockbridge - The Blockbridge plugin is a volume plugin that provides access to an extensible set of container-based persistent storage options. It supports single and multi-host Docker environments with features that include tenant isolation, automated provisioning, encryption, secure deletion, snapshots and QoS. By @blockbridge
  • Convoy - an open-source Docker volume driver that can snapshot, backup and restore Docker volumes anywhere. By @rancher
  • Azure Files Volume Driver - A Docker volume driver that allows you to mount persistent volumes backed by Microsoft Azure File Service. By @ahmetalpbalkan
  • Docker Unison A docker volume container using Unison for fast two-way folder sync. Created as an alternative to slow boot2docker volumes on OS X. By @leighmcculloch
  • Netshare A Docker volume plugin written in Go that supports mounting NFS, AWS EFS & CIFS volumes within a container. By @gondor
  • Docker Machine NFS Activates NFS for an existing boot2docker box created through Docker Machine on OS X.
  • REX-Ray Vendor agnostic storage orchestration engine to provide persistent storage for Docker containers as well as Mesos frameworks and tasks.
  • Local Persist Specify a mountpoint for your local volumes (created via docker volume create) so that files will always persist and so you can mount to different directories in different containers.

Useful Images


Storing Images

  • Docker Registry v2 (The Docker toolset to pack, ship, store, and deliver content)
  • Rescoyl (Private Docker registry) by @noteed
  • Atomic Registry Red Hat Atomic Registry is an open source enterprise registry based on the Origin and Cockpit projects, enhancing the Docker registry library.


  • Axibase Time-Series Database (Long-term retention of container statistics and built-in dashboards for Docker. Collected with native Google cAdvisor storage driver.)
  • cAdvisor (Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers. created by @Google
  • Datadog Datadog is a full-stack monitoring service for large-scale cloud environments that aggregates metrics/events from servers, databases, and applications. It includes support for Docker, Kubernetes, and Mesos.
  • Dockerana (packaged version of Graphite and Grafana, specifically targeted at metrics from Docker.)
  • Docker-mon (Console-based Docker monitoring) by @icecrime
  • [Glances] (http://nicolargo.github.io/glances/) (A cross-platform curses-based system monitoring tool written in Python) by @nicolargo
  • InfluxDB, cAdvisor, Grafana (InfluxDB Time series DB in combination with Grafana and cAdvisor) by @vegasbrianc
  • Meros Analyzes containers resources, captures logs, remote web SSH terminal and powerful DevOps alerts.
  • New Relic New Relics Docker Monitoring tool
  • Prometheus (Open-source service monitoring system and time series database)
  • Ruxit Monitor containerized applications without installing agents or modifying your Run commands
  • Seagull (Friendly Web UI to monitor docker daemon.) by @tobegit3hub
  • Site24x7 Docker MOnitoring for DevOps and IT is a SaaS Pay per Host model
  • Sysdig: An open source troubleshooting tool that provides a rich set of real-time, system-level information. It has container-specific features and is very useful in Docker environments.
  • Zabbix Docker module: Zabbix module that provides discovery of running containers, CPU/memory/blk IO/net container metrics. Systemd Docker and LXC execution driver is also supported. It's a dynamically linked shared object library, so its performance is (~10x) better, than any script solution.
  • SPM for Docker Monitoring of host and container metrics, Docker events and logs. Automatic log parser. Anomaly Detection and alerting for metrics and logs. @sematext
  • Zabbix Docker - Monitor containers automatically using zabbix LLD feature.
  • Collecting docker logs and stats with Splunk
  • Grafana Docker Dashboard Template - A template for your Docker, Grafana and Prometheus stack @vegasbrianc
  • DoMonit - A simple Docker Monitoring wrapper For Docker API


  • Calico-Docker - Calico is a pure layer 3 virtual network that allows containers over multiple docker-hosts to talk to each other.
  • Wagl - DNS Service Discovery for Docker Swarm (by @ahmetalpbalkan ) http://ahmetalpbalkan.github.io/wagl/
  • Weave (The Docker network) -- Weave creates a virtual network that connects Docker containers deployed across multiple hosts.
  • Flannel - Flannel is a virtual network that gives a subnet to each host for use with container runtimes.


  • Docker-Fluentd: (Docker container to Log Other Containers' Logs. One can aggregate the logs of Docker containers running on the same host using Fluentd.) by @kiyoto
  • LogJam (Logjam is a log forwarder designed to listen on a local port, receive log entries over UDP, and forward these messages on to a log collection server (such as logstash).) by @gocardless
  • Logspout (Log routing for Docker container logs) by @gliderlabs
  • Logsene for Docker Monitoring of Metrics, Events and Logs implemented in Node.js. Integrated logagent-js to detect and parse various log formats. @sematext

Deployment and Infrastructure

  • Centurion: Centurion is a mass deployment tool for Docker fleets. It takes containers from a Docker registry and runs them on a fleet of hosts with the correct environment variables, host volume mappings, and port mappings. By @newrelic
  • Clocker: Clocker creates and manages a Docker cloud infrastructure. Clocker supports single-click deployments and runtime management of multi-node applications that run as containers distributed across multiple hosts, on both Docker and Marathon. It leverages Calico and Weave for networking and Brooklyn for application blueprints. By @brooklyncentral
  • Cloud 66 - Full-stack hosted container management as a service
  • deploy - Git and Docker deployment tool. A middle ground between simple Docker composition tools and full blown cluster orchestration. Declarative configuration and short commands for managing (syncing, building, running) of infrastructures of more than a few services. Able to deploy whole preconfigured server or system of services with a single line (without having to scroll the line).
  • Docket: Custom docker registry that allows for lightning fast deploys through bittorrent by @netvarun
  • Longshoreman: Longshoreman automates application deployment using Docker. Just create a Docker repository (or use a service), configure the cluster using AWS or Digital Ocean (or whatever you like) and deploy applications using a Heroku-like CLI tool. By longshoreman


  • Atlantis - Atlantis is an Open Source PaaS for HTTP applications built on Docker and written in Go
  • Deis (Your PaaS, your rules) -- http://deis.io/
  • Dokku (Docker powered mini-Heroku in around 100 lines of Bash) by @progrium
  • Empire: A PaaS built on top of Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS)
  • Flynn (A next generation open source platform as a service) -- https://flynn.io/
  • OpenShift (An open source PaaS built on Kubernetes and optimized for Dockerized app development and deployment) by Red Hat
  • Tsuru (Tsuru is an extensible and open source Platform as a Service software) -- https://tsuru.io/
  • [Convox Rack] (https://github.com/convox/rack): Convox Rack is open source PaaS built on top of expert infrastructure automation and devops best practices.
  • Rancher: Rancher is an open source project that provides a complete platform for operating Docker in production
  • Dcw: Docker-compose SSH wrapper: a very poor man PaaS, exposing the docker-compose and custom-container commands defined in container labels.

Remote Container Manager / Orchestration


  • docker-bench-security script that checks for dozens of common best-practices around deploying Docker containers in production. By @docker
  • notary a server and a client for running and interacting with trusted collections. By @docker
  • Twistlock Twistlock Security Suite detects vulnerabilities, hardens container images, and enforces security policies across the lifecycle of applications.
  • Clair Clair is an open source project for the static analysis of vulnerabilities in appc and docker containers. By @coreos

Service Discovery


  • MicroBadger - add metadata to Docker images using labels.



Main Account

Useful videos

Interactive Learning Environments

  • Katacoda: Learn Docker using Interactive Browser-Based Labs

Interesting Twitter Accounts
