- 15
Not rendering the colors
#10 opened by itstechnexus - 2
- 0
`g:terminal_color_9` does not exist
#40 opened by 4513ECHO - 1
lightline not working?
#39 opened by qrockz - 1
DiffAdd, DiffChange, & DiffDelete Highlights
#35 opened by pbnj - 1
Brackets not always colorized
#30 opened by Kachyz - 3
Comment foreground color
#15 opened by Clee681 - 1
Screenshot font info
#31 opened by arnavb - 2
Font colors in :digraphs!
#26 opened by dubst3pp4 - 5
Background color for the code comments
#29 opened by pavelshtanko - 4
Unable to get theme working
#11 opened by robertcoopercode - 1
Can't find color scheme
#25 opened by CristoAMH - 2
Italicize "as" in JS imports
#9 opened by jaredramirez - 1
weird blue colors appearing
#23 opened by chiefjester - 0
Please define colors for tabs and status bar
#21 opened by Brixy - 1
any plan to add airline theme?
#20 opened by passimm - 4
No current line highlighting
#16 opened by mrassili - 2
Colors missing in AsciiDoc files
#19 opened by dubst3pp4 - 2
- 0
Integrate latest changes to night-owl theme
#14 opened by jesstelford - 2
MatchParen highlight is misleading
#12 opened by clobrano - 2
please add colors for the FoldColumn
#8 opened by dubst3pp4 - 5
Support for italic
#7 opened by esviai - 4
Found some differences
#5 opened by cjnucette - 1
- 2
Terminal Highlight?
#4 opened by gavsim