
Zenoh Flow for Autonomous Driving.

Primary LanguagePython

Enabling autonomous driving through Zenoh Flow

Project largely inspired by Pylot.

Thank you the Pylot team for your contribution to open autonomous driving.

Getting Started

To make this project work, you will need to:

  • clone and install pylot in the parent directory using the install script.
  • clone and install zenoh-flow-python in the parent directory.
  • Install the requirements with:
pip install -r requirements.txt

It's possible that cv2 might not have all its dependencies. You should try installing with conda with:

conda install -c menpo opencv
  • Get an image
cd data
wget https://www.smartrippers.com/files/2017-11/panneau-feu-usa2.jpg
cd ..
  • Run the following command for running operator on standalone:
python tests/tests_integrations.py
  • Run the following command to run with Zenoh-flow:
../path/to/runtime -r foo -g py-pipeline.yml -l loader-config.yml