Full-Stack Developer | HTML/CSS & JS/React/Router/Redux | Ruby on Rails & Postgresql | Firebase
hajnaloltyan's Stars
🚀 Set up this GitHub profile views counter for your profile that does not require any services to record profile views
Sets of themed weather icons to beautify your weather app and web pages
In this new app I was able to correctly apply all the new things I learned, such as Webpack, ES6, exporting or importing classes, DOM manipulation, dynamic website generation, and sorting items, among other technologies that I've been learning since the beginning of my practice.
My personal portfolio is a responsive web app that I used to present my skills, projects and other details about myself. It also contains a form that can be used to reach out to me directly.Built using HTML,CSS
Web application for a company that provides commercial and scientific space travel services. The application will allow users to book rockets and join selected space missions.
Is a clasic blog website that shows the list of posts and empower readers to interact with them by adding comments and liking posts.
The JavaScript capstone project is about building your own web application based on an external API.
A web-app to measure air pollution globally.
This app displays a library of Tv Shows upon a search input. You can search for your favorite show or movie categories.
I created a Bookstore app that allows: Display a list of books, Add book, Remove a selected book. It was built using React and Redux.
"To-do list" is a tool that helps to organize your day. It simply lists the things that you need to do and allows you to mark them as complete
School Library is an app build on Ruby, to run on command line where you con add teachers, students, classrooms, and book and make rent of them.
Relational database to create the data structure for a vet clinic
This project was made using HTML, CSS for the tructure and stylings. To interactions I used Javascript code with ES6 best practices
S&P 500 Stock Data is an SPA built with React and Redux, that will delivery, price, average price and other key numeric indicatores for the most important companies that operate in the S&P 500 market.
This is a example of a conference page with 2 basics pages home & about.
In this project I have followed an example idea, and apply responsive design, the use of best practicies for HTML, CSS & JavaScript.
The final capstone of the Microverse program
This is a webpage of a "To do list" with functionalities, such as add element, remove element, edit element, clear completed elements, and in the future it is possible to add the functionality to reorganize element
Microverse final capstone
This website is a non-real event of a comedy stand up: Instagram celebrities (The instagram profiles are real though). This project is an example of making a website from a template, following structure, fonts, colors and functionalities.
A Project made in react where you can post your favorite books, sending a post to an API provided and the getting the data from that API
The To Do List project is made in Javascript code using array of objects, where you can add, remove, edit, mark a task as completed and finally remove all the completed tasks using ES6 javascript code and implementing webpack in my project.
Awesome books project uses ES6 best practices, such as arrow functions, imports from modules, and so on. This project contains a single webpage with 3 sections inside, which can be switched from the navbar. All the data collected is saved in the Local Storage of the browser.
This project is a sistem where you can charge all your favorite books and store them. To do that i used javascript code, first with arrays and objects, and in the other pull request with JavaScript Classes. To store the books in the website I implemment LocalStorage
I created this website by following a template on internet. I used html semantic tags and for the styling i used css. Then to print the featured speakers and the navbar i used Javvascript code.
Video Portfolio site, showcasing artistic - documentary type of YouTube videos, using mobile first approach and a muted colour palette.