Enpact pipeline


This pipeline uses ENFORMER and elastic net to train weights for transcription factor binding in a tissue or cell_type, given the reference genome (fasta file) + intervals to predict on. The weights are the effects of the Enformer epigenetic feature on binding status. This method is called Enpact, named after Enformer + IMPACT.

The models trained using this pipeline should work seamlessly with the TFXcan pipeline.

Author and Date:

Temi on Mon Apr 24 2023



There are 2 ways to use this pipeline.

  1. Train Enpact models using an available reference epigenome (from Enformer): Here, the pipeline will not run Enformer and will instead make use of the reference epigenome provided. This is faster than the second approach below. To use this approach, you need to provide the reference epigenome in the config/pipeline.yaml file, and set the parameter run_enformer to false.

  2. Train Enpact models using Enformer: Here, the pipeline will run Enformer on-the-fly to generate the reference epigenome. This is slower than the first approach above. To use this approach, you need to set the parameter run_enformer to true in the config/pipeline.yaml file.

  3. The pipeline can also train an Enpact model given using a personal genome. Here you need to provide a VCF file and the reference fasta file.



You will need to install Homer by yourself. Instructions are here.

We use conda for this pipeline. You will need to create the conda environment using this yaml file.


We provide a way to use Singularity to run the pipeline. You can use the Singularity profile to run the pipeline.

  1. Activate singularity if you have it on your cluster: module load singularity

  2. Pull the singularity image: singularity pull <<add link>>

  3. Install a conda environment with Snakemake in it: conda env create -p ./snakemake -f software/TFXcan-pipeline-environment.yaml; conda install bioconda::snakemake=7.25.0

  4. Run the pipeline: snakemake -s snakefile.smk --configfile minimal/pipeline.minimal.yaml --profile profiles/singularity/

By default, the snakemake pipeline directory will be visible to the singularity container. However, if there are external folders that you need to mount, you can add them to the profiles/singularity/config.yaml file, or use the --singularity-args "--bind <<paths>> flag in the snakemake command above. i.e. snakemake -s snakefile.smk --configfile minimal/pipeline.minimal.yaml --profile profiles/singularity/ --singularity-args "--bind <<path1>>,<<path2>>"


There is a notebook here to help generate the inputs.

Otherwise, you can look at minimal examples of the models.data.yaml and models.run.tsv files to recreate yours.


There are some data we do not directly provide in this repo and you will need to download them here. These include:

  1. A reference genome fasta file


To run the minimal example:

  1. Install the conda environment using the file: conda env create -p <<path to env>> -f software/TFXcan-pipeline-environment.yaml
  2. Activate conda environment: conda activate <<path to env>>
  3. Add Homer to your path: export PATH=$PATH:<<path to homer>>/homer/bin
  4. Run: snakemake -s snakefile.smk --configfile minimal/pipeline.yaml --profile profiles/simple/ --stats reports/stats.json

To run on your own data:

  1. Install the conda environment using the file: conda env create -p <<path to env>> -f software/TFXcan-pipeline-environment.yaml
  2. Edit the config/pipeline.yaml file. Instructions are in here.
  3. Edit the config/enformer_base.yaml file. Instructions are here.
  4. Activate conda environment: conda activate <<path to env>>
  5. Add Homer to your path: export PATH=$PATH:<<path to homer>>/homer/bin
  6. Run: snakemake -s snakefile.smk --configfile config/pipeline.yaml --profile profiles/simple/ --stats reports/stats.json


The output will be in the data/<<dataset..>>/ folder. All information you need will be in here. If you need to use these models to make predictions, the only file you need will be in the statistics/ folder.

Notebooks and helpers:

These contain analysis codes for the pipeline. They are not part of the pipeline itself. You can use these to make diagnostic plots and summaries of the models.

To-do and Updates

Wed Sep 18 2024

  • Verified that snakemake + singularity works when using the fast option for the pipeline.

Tues Mar 27 2024

  • Added the option to test models on an held-out chromosome. This is the default option. Set to false if you want to use random motifs across the genome.
  • Remove the need for the info/data_db.txt and info/human_factor_full_QC.txt file. The user should supply a csv file of the TF, context (tissue) and location of bed files.
  • Extend the pipeline to provide summary information of the models, including diagnostic plots.

Tues Mar 26 2024

  • Intersection of peaks is now calculated using bedtools intersect. This is faster than using code in R that calculates the intersection of peaks.

Fri Mar 22 2024

  • Changes have been made to the way peaks are selected as bound or unbound. Unbound peaks (where there is no motif in a peak) are now selected randomly. For bound peaks:

    1. count the number of bedfiles (experiments) with these peaks i.e. binding counts
    2. assign probabilities to each unique binding count that have a peak i.e. larger counts should have higher probabilities of being sub-sampled, and lower counts should have lower probabilities
    3. select approprately

Tues Aug 22 2023

  • Train both linear and logistic models
  • Evaluation should be saved into a text file rather than a .rds file
  • Pipeline can now send jobs to beagle3 (for GPU runs) or caslake as needed
  • Added the option to delete ENFORMER predictions on-the-fly as soon as aggregation is done. This will save plenty of storage space when training many models.

Sun Jun 9 2024

  • Extensive modification to how the pipeline should run.