
CMake Cross-Compiling for Tiva Microcontrollers

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CMake Cross-compile for Tiva Microcontrollers

Table of Contents


A CMake toolchain focused on Texas Instruments (TI) Tiva-C microcontrollers (although likely modifiable to other arm processors). It enables the use of arm-none-eabi-gcc or TI’s Code Generation Tools (ti-cgt) and provides a method to write your code to flash memory using the in-circuit debugger (ICD) on TI’s LaunchPad development boards. For convenience, it also comes bundled with TivaWare driverlib.

You can use tiva_cmake as a template or install it and use it as a dependency.

Template Mode (Quickstart, No Installation)

  1. The example assumes that you have an EK-TM4C123GXL plugged into a USB port and the Development Tools installed (git, make, cmake (>= 3.12), arm compiler).
  2. Clone this repository:
    git clone https://github.com/omnid/tiva_cmake my_project
    cd my_project
  3. Generate and build the libraries (only need to run once)
    cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -B lib/build lib/
    cmake --build lib/build
  4. Compile the template project and load it onto the microcontroller
    cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -B src/build src/
    cmake --build src/build --target led_example.write

When successful, you should see LED on the EK-TM4C123GXL cycle between blue and white.

The project source code resides in src/, which is the sole location you should need to edit files in.

  • You can run cmake as you normally would from within src once the lib/ has been built.
    • cmake --build src/build --target led_example.write is equivalent to calling make led_example.write from within the src/build directory (when Unix Makefiles are used).
  • src/PreLoad.cmake sets the default toolchain file.
    • You can also specify a toolchain file by setting CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE when you first run cmake: cmake -B src/build src/ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<file>
    • The default toolchain file is tiva-toolchain.cmake, which picks gcc and falls back to ti-cgt if it cannot find gcc.
    • The toolchain for gcc is arm-none-eabi-gcc-toolchain.cmake
    • The toolchain for ti-cgt is ti-cgt-arm-toolchain.cmake
    • To change toolchain files you must delete the contents of the build directory and re-generate the build system
  • Only Makefile generators are supported. On non-Windows platforms, you can omit the -G"Unix Makefiles" because that is the default on those platforms.
  • See Startup Library for information about how to implement interrupt service routines.
  • To change the microcontroller model add -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR=TM4Cxxxxx or set it in src/PreLoad.cmake. (See Microcontroller Support).
  • See CMake Settings for details and other options.



  1. Download and install the latest package, which will also bring in the dependencies
    curl -o tiva_cmake.deb https://github.com/omnid/tiva_cmake/releases/download/v0.1.0/tiva_cmake-0.1.0-any.deb
    sudo apt install ./tiva_cmake.deb
  2. You will need at least CMake 3.12. Ubuntu 18.04 has an older version so download cmake separately.
  3. Optional: If you want to use TI’s compiler in addition to gcc, Install Development Tools

Arch Linux

  1. Download and install the latest package, which will also bring in the dependencies
    curl -o tiva_cmake.pkg.tar.xz https://github.com/omnid/tiva_cmake/releases/download/v0.1.0/tiva_cmake-0.1.0-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
    sudo pacman -U tiva_cmake
  2. Optional: install the arm-none-eabi-gdb package to use a debugger.
  3. Optional: install ti-cgt-arm (AUR) to get the TI compilers.
  4. Optional: If you want to use TI’s compiler in addition to gcc, Install Development Tools

Binary (All platforms)

  1. Install Development Tools
  2. Download the zipfile or the tarball.
  3. Extract the contents. The top level directory of is tiva_cmake-x.y.z-any
  4. Copy the contents of tiva_cmake-x.y.z-any to somewhere it can be found by CMake
    • Linux: /usr/local/ or /usr/ (e.g., sudo cp -r tiva_cmake-x.y.z-any/* /usr/local)
    • Windows this could be C:\Program Files
    • macOS this could be /usr/local/share
  5. Alternatively you can set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to the tiva_cmake-x.y.z-any when running cmake

From Source

  1. Install Development Tools
  2. git clone git@github.com:omnid/tiva_cmake
    cd tiva_cmake
    cmake -B build .
    cmake --build build
    sudo cmake --build build --target install
  3. To create packages run make package in the build directory. To run this command you need a few dependencies
    • dpkg to build Debian packages
    • rpm to build RedHat packages
    • makepkg and cmakeme to make ArchLinux packages
    • cmakeme for making packages to be supported
  4. See Installation.md for more detailed instructions.

Udev Rules

  1. On Linux, you will need to set permissions on the Tiva to access it
  2. For convenience, a sample udev rules file is included (20-tiva-uart.rules). To use these rules
    sudo cp 20-tiva-uart.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
    sudo udevadm control --reload
    sudo udevadm trigger
    • This rules file is just an example, and it gives permission to all USB-serial ports to every user on the system.

How To Use

New Project (Using an installed copy tiva_cmake)

  • Copy the tiva_cmake/src directory to a new location
    • Upon installation, this directory is installed to <prefix>/TivaCMake/src
    • For example, on Linux: cp -R /usr/share/TivaCMake/src my_project
  • Edit CMakeLists.txt to add your source code and specify your libraries and executables.
  • Use cmake as usual
  • See CMake Settings for other options

Without Preload

  • PreLoad.cmake is not officially documented by cmake however it is the only way to allow certain behaviors without requiring the user to enter additional command-line arguments
    • Set a default toolchain
    • Find toolchain files so the full path does not need to specify them
  • If you want to omit Preload.cmake from your project then it will
    • Default to the host’s default compiler
    • Require you to specify the full path to any tiva toolchain file.
  • tiva_cmake installs three scripts that print the path to the respective toolchain files: tiva-toolchain, arm-none-eabi-gcc-toolchain, and ti-cgt-arm-toolchain
  • If you don’t use PreLoad.cmake then users can specify a toolchain by passing the output of one of these scripts; for example: -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$(tiva-toolchain)
    • The binaries are on the path if installed or located in the build directory.

Flashing the Firmware

Every executable target you create (via add_executable(target_name ...) in cmake adds methods for flashing the firmware using the LaunchPad’s In-Circuit Debugger.

  1. cmake --build build --target target_name.write Flash the program onto the microcontroller using one of the methods below, which are listed in order of preference
    1. cmake --build build --target target_name.ocd Flash the program using openocd
    2. cmake --build build --target target_name.uni Flash the program using UniFlash

The program will automatically be built prior to being flashed. Note: cmake --build build just calls your build tool (e.g. make) in the build directory~. The --target option specifies the target. For example, if using Makefiles you can can use make target_name.write from the build directory to compile and flash the program

Debugging with GDB

  • You need arm-none-eabi-gdb or gdb-multiarch and openocd (see Development Tools).
  • You also need OpenOCD (See Development Tools).
  • For best results build your code with CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug (see Build Types)
  • make target_name.attach will attach to an already running debug session with gdb
  • make target_name.gdb will flash the firmware using openocd and load the program into the debugger

CMake Settings

Most cmake settings can be modifed using the cmake-gui (where the toolchain can also be selected when first configuring the project).
  • Use find_package(TivaCMake) to bring in TivaCMake and use its functions
  • Use find_package(TivaCMake COMPONENTS None) to check for the existence of tiva_cmake without actually configuring anything. This feature is useful when the host system (non-cross-compiling) wants to know if tiva_cmake exists without loading any cross-compiling settings

Selecting the toolchain

  • The default toolchain file is tiva-toolchain.cmake
    • It selects gcc if it is installed, otherwise it uses ti-cgt
  • The toolchain file for gcc is tiva-gcc-toolchain.cmake
  • The toolchain file for ti-cgt is tiva-ti-toolchain.cmake

Compiler Selection

Here are some rules for how the compiler is selected when there are multiple versions involved.

  1. The toolchain file selects the compiler family, as outlined above
  2. Find compilers installed in your home directory: if found select the latest version
  3. Find compilers installed to system directories such as /opt or /usr/bin: if found select the latest version
  4. Find compilers installed by Code Composer Studio: if found select the latest version

You can specify a specific compiler using -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/path/to/compiler and CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/path/to/compiler when invoking cmake. If the compiler you specify is compatible with gcc you should use tiva-gcc-toolchain.cmake and if it is compatible with ti-cgt use tiva-ti-toolchain.cmake.

Changing the Microcontroller

  • Setting CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR=<model> when invoking cmake will change the targeted microcontroller from the default (TM4C123GH6PM).
  • Setting OpenOCD_BOARD controls which development board is used when using OpenOCD. The default value depends on CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR
    • This would likely be the name of a file in the openocd/scripts/board directory
  • Setting UniFlash_BOARD controls which development board is used when using TI’s UniFlash utility. The default value depends on CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR
    • This is likely the name of a ccxml file in startup or one you generated yourself.
  • The TM4C123_REVISION and TM4C129_REVISION are used to set the silicon revision when using TivaWare. See tivaware/TivaWareConfig.cmake for details.

Build Types and Compiler Settings

  • CMake defaults to CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = "" which does not set any compiler flags (other than those necessary for cross compiling)
    • This mode is useful if you want complete control over flags
  • For convenience, The template CMakeLists.txt file defaults the build type to Debug.
  • By default, the compiler uses C99 mode with enhanced warning levels

Executable Adding

By default TivaCMake overrides the built in add_executable with a macro that sets up the targets enabling write to flash. You can disable this behavior by setting TivaCMake_AddExecutable to OFF. You can then add the writes on a per-executable basis using tiva_cmake_add and providing the executable target name.

TivaWare Driverlib

TI has released TivaWare driverlib under a BSD license and this project redistributes it under that license in the driverlib directory. By default, tiva_cmake uses it’s own bundled version of driverlib. To use driverlib:
# ...
target_link_libraries(mytarget TivaCMake::driverlib)

The driverlib library can also be found without the other parts of TivaCMake using find_package(TivaWare)

By default, the project links against the release version of driverlib. If you would like to build against the debugging version of driverlib set DRIVERLIB_DEBUG=ON.

Startup Library

Startup code is automatically linked when you add_executable because it is necessary for any code to run on the microcontroller. The startup code is n an OBJECT library (TivaCMake::startup) and runs before main() to initialize the microcontroller. It contains the interrupt vector table and includes the linker script. This source code differs between microcontroller models and is stored in startup/<model>.

The startup code is different than the code provided by TI and is designed to make development easier.

  1. To define an interrupt in your code, simply declare a function with the name of that interrupt, no need to modify the startup library
    • The naming scheme can be derived from the Exception and Interrupt tables in the TI Datasheet (Table 2-8 and Table 2-9)
      • Name is derived from Exception Type for exceptions and Description for regular interrupts
      • “16/32-Bit” is removed
      • “32/64-Bit” becomes W (for wide)
      • Flash Memory Control and EEPROM Control becomes FlashAndEEPROM
      • Remove all terms in parenthesis
      • Remove all non-alpha-numeric characters
      • Replace greek letter $μ$ with a u
      • Append ISR
    • For example
      • “Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI)” becomes NonMaskableInterruptISR
      • “16/32-Bit Timer 0A” becomes Timer0AISR
  2. By default, most ISRs are aliased to DefaultISR, a function that loops forever. By providing your own definition for DefaultISR you can modify that this default behavior. The only exceptions are the HardFaultISR and NonMaskableInterruptISR which have their own infinite loops to preserve state and let you know which fault was triggered. ResetISR runs the startup code.

It may be beneficial to modify the startup code directly in your project, in which case you should set TIVA_CMAKE_USE_CUSTOM_STARTUP to true. You can make basic changes to the stack and heap sizes using options for the compiler, but such changes may also require editing the linker scripts and adding custom startup code. See compiler documentation for details.

It is necessary that the full startup code be linked in with the project. Compiling to a regular static library is insufficient since unused code does not get linked in to the final executable. You can either include the source code directly in your executable, use a cmake OBJECT library, or pass --whole-archive to the linker (works only for gcc).

Development Tools


  1. CMake (Version 3.12 or later).
    • On Ubuntu 18.04 install a later version from the website.
    • You can install the official binaries to a non-standard prefix and access a newer version while maintaining the old version
  2. Git
  3. A cross compiler. Code Composer Studio provides everything needed to build and flash your program.
    • However, Code Composer Studio is a large program and it may be desirable to obtain your tools elsewhere (see below).
  4. Make. You can install it separately or use the version that comes with Code Composer Studio; just add <ccstudio_install_dir>/ccs/utils/bin/ to your path.

GNU GCC Toolchain

To use gcc you need the arm-none-eabi toolchain with the newlib C library and optionally (for debugging) either multiarch gdb or arm-none-eabi-gdb. Code composer studio comes bundled with gcc, but it is usally an older version.


The necessary files can be installed from apt (including gdb).

  • sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-arm-none-eabi gdb-multiarch

Arch Linux

The necessary files can be installed via pacman (including gdb).

  • sudo pacman -S arm-none-eabi-gcc arm-none-eabi-newlib arm-none-eabi-gdb


If the toolchain is unavailable in your package manager it can be downloaded directly from arm

  • On Linux, move the tarball you downloaded either to /opt or to /home/$(whoami) and upack it with tar xf.
  • Installers are also provided for Windows and macOS.

TI Tools (Without Code Composer Studio)

You can install TI’s compiler and flash tool indepedently of Code Composer Studio

  1. ARM-CGT (TI’s arm compiler)
    • On Linux, install either to /opt or /home/$(whoami), keeping the default subdirectory name ti-cgt-arm_...etc....
    • On ArchLinux, this is available as ti-cgt-arm in the AUR.

Flash Tools

If not downloading Code Composer Studio, openocd is recommended and may be available via your package manager.

Microcontroller Support

The code has only been tested with the EK-TM4C123GXL LaunchPad. Therefore some options are specific to the TM4C123GH6PM microcontroller and must be modified for other microcontrollers (issues/pull requests welcome)

Required Changes

To support another microcontrollers a few additions are needed

  • Compiler options that are dependent on microcontroller model are set in /cmake/Platform/Generic-<compilerID>-<model>.cmake, where <compilerID> is GCC or TI and <model> is the microcontroller model. These files are automatically loaded by CMake.
    • Good defaults for compiler options can be obtained from Code Composer studio either by viewing the compile options in a project or reading the provided targetDB files.
  • Startup code is stored in lib/startup/
    • The interrupt vector table (see Startup Library) likely requires adjustment and is stored in <model>_isr.c
  • Linker scripts for gcc are stored in lib/startup/<model>-GCC.lds and lib/startup/<model>-TI.cmd
    • Memory locations likely differ between microcontroller models and so the linker scripts should be adjusted.
  • The startup code and linker scripts incorporated via target_link_libraries(<my_target> ${STARTUP_LIBRARIES}). You can omit this line to use your own startup code or linker scripts in your own projects.
  • Register your new microcontroller in lib/CMakeLists.txt
  • Edit cmake/FindOpenOCD.cmake to add support for flashing different development boards by selecting the appropriate dev board for your model.
  • To use uniflash the proper ccxml files must be generated. I’ve included a few already. To generate the best way is to
    1. Download UNIFLASH
    2. When you run UNIFLASH, choose the development board that you want, then click start. At the top of the next window is a link to save the ccxml file.
    3. Add the ccxml file to this repository in lib/startup.
      • Currently these files are called <model>.ccxml
    4. It is theoretically possible to generate these files using the uniflash command line example.

Automatic Generation of Startup Library

  • Future work will use TI’s targetDB files, which provide information about MCU’s including peripheral layout and compiler flags to automatically generate startup files. The generated startup files will then be included in this repository, to avoid a hard dependency on Code Composer Studio
  • The targetDB files and are distributed with Code Composer Studio and located in the ccs/ccs_base/nuhal/targetdb directory.
    • targetdb/devices contains the <model>.xml files, which seem to be the main file for each chip.