A variable frequency three phase PWM generation code for an AVR ATMEGA328P/-PU microcontroller
- 201800735
- abhi123ght
- adityadrsLenek Technologies
- Ahmedabdo12
- bokutakeUtopia
- dorokhinTbilisi GE
- hannahvsawiukZipline
- langongincSecond High School Attached to Beijing Normal University
- LaurentChevalier@Infrabel
- mesbahmohamedArrow Team
- NexcauzinF-Carranca
- NicolasU-NPontificia Universidad Javeriana
- ochaochaocha3Hyogo Polytechnic Center
- r3d5ky
- riasol
- Tollyboy5
- tomwimmenhoveBond High Performance 3D
- velinolis
- vitlavEtersoft
- wuyou33
- xtianbetzDoylestown, PA
- XUAN8000
- yokeapFaculty of International Maritime Studies
- zetaperseiFlorence, Italy