
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


simple-mes is an OPC UA client and implements a simple Manufacturing Exection System to control a production line build of stations which are available as docker containers as well. The MES controls three stations (Assembly, Test, Packaging) of the production line. To connect to these stations, the OPC UA endpoint URLs must be passed in via command line parameters. If they are ommited, then the MES expects the stations on different ports on the same host as the MES is running (Assembly: 51210, Test: 51211, Packaging: 51212).

The implementation of the station can be found here. The container is available here.

A docker container of this repository is available here.

The MES supports shift configuration via the command line options --fs, --sl, --ss, --sc, and --dw. As soon as one of those options is specified, the shift control is enabled. If none of these options is specified, then shift control is not used.

Purpose of the shift control is to allow deploying production lines in different time zones using the container timezone setting. To enable this in the containerized version you need to set the timezone of the container.


Usage: SimpleMes.exe [<options>]

      --as, --assemblystation=VALUE
                             the endpoint of the assemblystation
                               Default: 'opc.tcp://<hostname>:51210'
      --ts, --teststation=VALUE
                             the endpoint of the teststation
                               Default: 'opc.tcp://<hostname>:51211'
      --ps, --packagingstation=VALUE
                             the endpoint of the packagingstation
                               Default: 'opc.tcp://<hostname>:51212'
      --fs, --firstshiftstart=VALUE
                             time the work starts every day (24hr format: hhmm)
                               Default: '0600'
      --sl, --shiftlength=VALUE
                             shift length in minutes
                               Min: 5
                               Max: 1440
                               Default: '480'
      --ss, --shiftshouldstart=VALUE
                             percent when we still should start a shift
                               Min: 0
                               Max: 1
                               Default: '0,9'
      --sc, --shiftcount=VALUE
                             number of shifts per day
                               Default: '3'
      --dw, --daysperweek=VALUE
                             number of working days per week starting monday
                               Default: '0'
      --lf, --logfile=VALUE  the filename of the logfile to use.
                               Default: '<hostname>-mes.log'
      --ll, --loglevel=VALUE the loglevel to use (allowed: fatal, error, warn,
                               info, debug, verbose).
                               Default: info
      --aa, --autoaccept     auto accept station server certificates
                               Default: 'False'
      --to, --trustowncert   the applications certificate is put into the
                               trusted certificate store automatically.
                               Default: False
      --at, --appcertstoretype=VALUE
                             the own application cert store type.
                               (allowed values: Directory, X509Store)
                               Default: 'Directory'
      --ap, --appcertstorepath=VALUE
                             the path where the own application cert should be
                               Default (depends on store type):
                               X509Store: 'CurrentUser\UA_MachineDefault'
                               Directory: 'pki/own'
      --tp, --trustedcertstorepath=VALUE
                             the path of the trusted cert store
                               Default 'pki/trusted'
      --rp, --rejectedcertstorepath=VALUE
                             the path of the rejected cert store
                               Default 'pki/rejected'
      --ip, --issuercertstorepath=VALUE
                             the path of the trusted issuer cert store
                               Default 'pki/issuer'
      --csr                  show data to create a certificate signing request
                               Default 'False'
      --ab, --applicationcertbase64=VALUE
                             update/set this applications certificate with the
                               certificate passed in as bas64 string
      --af, --applicationcertfile=VALUE
                             update/set this applications certificate with the
                               certificate file specified
      --pb, --privatekeybase64=VALUE
                             initial provisioning of the application
                               certificate (with a PEM or PFX fomat) requires a
                               private key passed in as base64 string
      --pk, --privatekeyfile=VALUE
                             initial provisioning of the application
                               certificate (with a PEM or PFX fomat) requires a
                               private key passed in as file
      --cp, --certpassword=VALUE
                             the optional password for the PEM or PFX or the
                               installed application certificate
      --tb, --addtrustedcertbase64=VALUE
                             adds the certificate to the applications trusted
                               cert store passed in as base64 string (multiple
                               strings supported)
      --tf, --addtrustedcertfile=VALUE
                             adds the certificate file(s) to the applications
                               trusted cert store passed in as base64 string (
                               multiple filenames supported)
      --ib, --addissuercertbase64=VALUE
                             adds the specified issuer certificate to the
                               applications trusted issuer cert store passed in
                               as base64 string (multiple strings supported)
      --if, --addissuercertfile=VALUE
                             adds the specified issuer certificate file(s) to
                               the applications trusted issuer cert store (
                               multiple filenames supported)
      --rb, --updatecrlbase64=VALUE
                             update the CRL passed in as base64 string to the
                               corresponding cert store (trusted or trusted
      --uc, --updatecrlfile=VALUE
                             update the CRL passed in as file to the
                               corresponding cert store (trusted or trusted
      --rc, --removecert=VALUE
                             remove cert(s) with the given thumbprint(s) (
                               multiple thumbprints supported)
  -h, --help                 show this message and exit