- AF207
- AmmieQi
- brotherNanNanchina
- caibolunSouth China University of Technology
- Cal027
- CKchaosAalto University
- czhxiaohuihuiShang hai
- darkpromise98USTC
- dectrfov
- devanshkhandekarIndia
- eagle1983
- Eurus-HolmesCreatify AI
- forenceInstitute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- hardyqrGoogle DeepMind
- idejiePeking University
- jantpkBeijing
- jasscia18
- LgQu
- LinkToPast1990
- M-SaltiDubai, UAE
- mdmmn378Tero Labs
- Melison
- NorthrendShanghai, China
- roger1993Hong Kong
- ruotianluoWaymo
- SEVEN-jie
- stefanxinhong
- syyuan1993
- truetone2022
- xiaohu1211
- Youngdong2Chung-Ang Univ. master's degree in statistics
- YTEP-ZHIThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
- ZavietonHarbin Institute of Technology & ByteDance
- zhangxu90s
- Zhouzjie
- ZhuliuAiagle@baidu