
A python parser to simplify and build the VCF (Variant Call Format).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

VCF-Simplify     v2.1

A python parser to simplify the vcf file into a (pseudo-)tabular format. There are several tools available to mainpulate and alter VCF files. But, a simple but expansive tool that can produce most simple output is required by empirical biologist is still amiss.

  • Convert VCF to TABLE
    This tool takes in a sorted vcf file and reports a simplified tabular output for INFO and FORMAT field for each SAMPLE of interest. With default state (minimal code) all the INFO, FORMAT for all the SAMPLE are simplified. Fields can be further narrowed down using very convenient and comprehensive scripts.

  • Convert TABLE to VCF
    It is also possible to convert the TABLE file into VCF. Controlled, workflows are included.

Exclusively for phase-Stitcher and phase-Extender. Controlled workflows are included.

  • Convert VCF to Haplotype\
  • Convert Haplotype to VCF\

Prerequisites :

Required Python packages and modules

Usage :

Call for help !

$ python3 VCF-Simplify.py -h

Checking required modules

VCF-Simplify: A tool to convert VCF to TABLE and/or HAPLOTYPE file and vice-versa.

usage: VCF-Simplify [-h] {SimplifyVCF,BuildVCF} ...

positional arguments:
                        Choose one of the following method.
    SimplifyVCF         Simplify VCF : to a haplotype or a table file.
    BuildVCF            Create VCF : from a haplotype or a table file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

You can see that there are two options available for conversion:

  • SimplifyVCF : to convert from VCF ----> to TABLE and/or Haplotype file
  • BuildVCF : to convert from TABLE and/or Haplotype ---> to VCF


$ python3 VCF-Simplify.py SimplifyVCF -h

Checking required modules

VCF-Simplify: A tool to convert VCF to TABLE and/or HAPLOTYPE file and vice-versa.

usage: VCF-Simplify SimplifyVCF [-h] -toType TOTYPE -inVCF INVCF -out OUT
                                [-keepHeader KEEPHEADER] [-PG PG] [-PI PI]
                                [-unphased UNPHASED] [-samples SAMPLES]
                                [-preHeader PREHEADER] [-infos INFOS]
                                [-formats FORMATS] [-mode MODE]
                                [-gtbase GTBASE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -toType TOTYPE        Type of the output file. Option: haplotype, table
  -inVCF INVCF          sorted vcf file
  -out OUT              name of the output file
  -keepHeader KEEPHEADER
                        Write the HEADER data to a separate output
                        file.Options: 'yes' or 'no'

Additional flags for "VCF To Haplotype":
  -PG PG                FORMAT tag containing the phased genotype of the
                        SAMPLE. Only applicable for 'haplotype file output'.
  -PI PI                FORMAT tag representing the unique index of RBphased
                        haplotype block in the SAMPLE. Only applicable for
                        'haplotype file output'. Note: 'CHROM' can also be
                        used as PI if VCF is phased chromosome-wide.
  -unphased UNPHASED    include unphased variants in the output. Available
                        options: yes, no

Additional flags for "VCF To Table":
  -samples SAMPLES      SAMPLE of interest; write as comma separated names,
                        for e.g: 'sampleA,sampleB' or 'all'.
  -preHeader PREHEADER  Comma separated pre-header fields before the 'INFO'
                        field in the input VCF file. Write as comma separated
                        fields, for e.g: 'CHR,POS,ID' or 'all'. Default:
  -infos INFOS          INFO tags that are of interest; write as comma
                        separated tags; for e.g: 'AC,AF,AN' or 'all'.
  -formats FORMATS      FORMAT tags that are of interest; for e.g: 'GT,PG,PI'
                        or 'all'.
  -mode MODE            Structure of the output table.Options: wide(0),
                        long(1). Default: 0 .
  -gtbase GTBASE        write the GT field as IUPAC base code.Options: no(0),
                        yes(1). Default: 0 .

Example 01 (VCF to TABLE):

python3 VCF-Simplify.py SimplifyVCF -toType table -inVCF input_test.vcf -out simple_table.txt -infos AF,AN,BaseQRankSum,ClippingRankSum -formats PI,GT,PG -preHeader CHROM,POS,REF,ALT,FILTER -mode wide -samples MA605,ms01e  -gtbase yes
  • Converts the "input_test.vcf" to a TABLE file.
  • Uses samples MA605 and ms01e
  • Uses FORMAT tags: PI,GT and PG
  • Uses INFO tags: AF,AN,BaseQRankSum,ClippingRankSum
  • Outputs TABLE in "wide" layout
  • Outpts GT field as IUPAC base

Output in Wide format

CHROM	POS	REF	ALT	FILTER	AF	AN	BaseQRankSum	ClippingRankSum	MA605:PI	MA605:GT	MA605:PG	ms01e:PI	ms01e:GT	ms01e:PG
CHROM	POS	REF	ALT	FILTER	AF	AN	BaseQRankSum	ClippingRankSum	MA605:PI	MA605:GT	MA605:PG	MA611:PI	MA611:GT	MA611:PG	MA622:PI	MA622:GT	MA622:PG
2	15881018	G	A,C	PASS	1.0	8	-0.771	0.0	.	0/0	0/0	.	0/0	0/0	.	0/0	0/0
2	15881080	A	G	PASS	0.458	6	-0.732	0.0	.	0/0	0/0	.	0/0	0/0	.	0/0	0/0
2	15881106	C	CA	PASS	0.042	6	0.253	0.0	.	0/0	0/0	.	0/0	0/0	.	0/0	0/0
2	15881156	A	G	PASS	0.5	6	None	None	.	0/0	0/0	.	0/0	0/0	.	0/0	0/0
2	15881224	T	G	PASS	0.036	12	1.75	0.0	.	0/0	0/0	.	0/0	0/0	.	0/0	0/0
2	15881229	C	G	PASS	0.308	10	None	None	.	0/0	0/0	.	0/0	0/0	.	0/0	0/0
2	15881230	GTT	G,GTTT	PASS	0.346,0.038	10	0.0	0.0	.	0/0	0/0	.	0/0	0/0	.	0/0	0/0
2	15881246	A	AT	PASS	0.333	8	None	None	.	0/0	0/0	.	0/0	0/0	.	0/0	0/0
2	15881256	A	T	PASS	0.333	8	None	None	.	0/0	0/0	.	0/0	0/0	.	0/0	0/0
2	15881266	T	G	PASS	0.286	12	None	None	.	0/0	0/0	.	0/0	0/0	.	0/0	0/0

Output in long format:

python3 VCF-Simplify.py SimplifyVCF -toType table -inVCF input_test.vcf -out simple_table.txt -infos AF,AN,BaseQRankSum,ClippingRankSum -formats PI,GT,PG -mode long -samples MA605,MA611,MA622
2	15881018	.	G	A,C	5082.45	PASS	1.0	8	-0.771	0.0	MA605	.	0/0	0/0
2	15881018	.	G	A,C	5082.45	PASS	1.0	8	-0.771	0.0	MA611	.	0/0	0/0
2	15881018	.	G	A,C	5082.45	PASS	1.0	8	-0.771	0.0	MA622	.	0/0	0/0
2	15881080	.	A	G	4336.44	PASS	0.458	6	-0.732	0.0	MA605	.	0/0	0/0
2	15881080	.	A	G	4336.44	PASS	0.458	6	-0.732	0.0	MA611	.	0/0	0/0
2	15881080	.	A	G	4336.44	PASS	0.458	6	-0.732	0.0	MA622	.	0/0	0/0
2	15881106	.	C	CA	33.32	PASS	0.042	6	0.253	0.0	MA605	.	0/0	0/0
2	15881106	.	C	CA	33.32	PASS	0.042	6	0.253	0.0	MA611	.	0/0	0/0
2	15881106	.	C	CA	33.32	PASS	0.042	6	0.253	0.0	MA622	.	0/0	0/0
2	15881156	.	A	G	3595.22	PASS	0.5	6	None	None	MA605	.	0/0	0/0
2	15881156	.	A	G	3595.22	PASS	0.5	6	None	None	MA611	.	0/0	0/0
2	15881156	.	A	G	3595.22	PASS	0.5	6	None	None	MA622	.	0/0	0/0

Use minimal script for full term simplification:
*Output not shown

python3 VCF-Simplify.py SimplifyVCF -to table -inVCF input_test.vcf -out simple_table.txt -keepHeader yes
  • Simplified data for all the infos, formats for all the sample.
  • Will output in wide format by default.

Include "-keepHeader " to store meta header of the VCF as separate file.
*Output not shown

python3 VCF-Simplify.py SimplifyVCF -to table -inVCF input_test.vcf -out simple_table.txt -keepHeader yes

Example 02 (VCF to Haplotype):

  • Converts a VCF to a HAPLOTYPE file.
  • The HAPLOTYPE file can be used downstream with tools:
    • phase-Extender
    • phase-Stitcher
  • "PG" flag is used to indicate "phased-genotype" field in SAMPLE
  • "PI" flag is used to indicate "haplotype-block" index
  • Other FORMAT fields can be used with PG and PI
  • "CHROM" field can be included with PI flag, assuming the VCF is phased chromosome wide.

$ python3 VCF-Simplify.py SimplifyVCF -toType haplotype -inVCF input_test.vcf -out simple_haplotype.txt
CHROM	POS	all-alleles	ms01e:PI	ms01e:PG_al	ms02g:PI	ms02g:PG_al	ms03g:PI	ms03g:PG_al	ms04h:PI	ms04h:PG_al	MA611:PI	MA611:PG_al	MA605:PI	MA605:PG_al	MA622:PI	MA622:PG_al
2	15881551	A,T	.	.	.	.	.	.	9	T|A	.	.	.	.	.	.
2	15881553	C,A	4	C|A	.	.	.	.	9	C|C	.	.	.	.	.	.
2	15881764	T,C	4	C|T	6	C|T	.	.	9	T|T	.	.	.	.	.	.
2	15881767	C,T	4	C|C	6	T|C	.	.	9	C|C	.	.	.	.	.	.
2	15881810	A,C	4	C|C	6	C|C	.	.	9	C|C	.	.	.	.	.	.
2	15881944	C,T	4	T|C	6	C|C	7	C|T	7	C|T	.	.	.	.	.	.
2	15881974	C,A	4	A|C	6	C|C	7	C|A	7	C|A	.	.	.	.	.	.
2	15881989	C,A	4	C|C	6	A|C	7	C|C	7	C|C	.	.	.	.	.	.
2	15882091	A,T	4	A|T	6	A|T	7	T|A	7	A|A	.	.	.	.	.	.
2	15882148	T,G	4	T|T	6	T|T	7	T|T	7	T|G	.	.	.	.	.	.
2	15882328	T,A	4	A|T	6	T|T	7	T|T	7	T|T	.	.	.	.	.	.
2	15882364	T,G	4	G|T	6	T|T	7	T|T	7	T|T	.	.	.	.	.	.
2	15882451	T,C	4	C|T	4	C|T	7	T|T	7	T|T	.	.	.	.	.	.
2	15882454	T,C	4	C|T	4	C|T	7	T|T	7	T|T	.	.	.	.	.	.
2	15882493	T,C	4	C|T	4	C|T	7	T|T	7	T|T	.	.	.	.	.	.
2	15882505	T,A	4	A|T	4	A|T	7	T|T	7	T|T	.	.	.	.	.	.
2	15882583	G,T	4	G|G	4	G|G	7	G|G	5	G|T	.	.	.	.	.	.
2	15882592	G,A	4	A|G	4	A|G	6	G|A	5	G|A	.	.	.	.	.	.

If your "GT" tag contains the phased genotype you can

python3 VCF-Simplify.py SimplifyVCF -to haplotype -inVCF input_test.vcf -out simple_table.txt -PG GT -PI PI

If you want "CHROM" field as "-PI" index

python3 VCF-Simplify.py SimplifyVCF -to haplotype -inVCF input_test.vcf -out simple_table.txt -PG GT -PI CHROM

Additionally to output unphased genotypes and store the header of the VCF

python3 VCF-Simplify.py SimplifyVCF -to haplotype -inVCF input_test.vcf -out simple_table.txt -PG GT -PI PI -unphased yes -keepHeader yes


$ python3 VCF-Simplify.py BuildVCF -h

Checking required modules

VCF-Simplify: A tool to convert VCF to TABLE and/or HAPLOTYPE file and vice-versa.

usage: VCF-Simplify BuildVCF [-h] -fromType FROMTYPE -inFile INFILE -outVCF
                             OUTVCF -vcfHeader VCFHEADER [-GTbase GTBASE]
                             [-samples SAMPLES] [-formats FORMATS]
                             [-infos INFOS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -fromType FROMTYPE    Type of the input file to prepare the VCF from.
                        Options: haplotype, table
  -inFile INFILE        Sorted table or haplotype file. This haplotype file
                        can be obtained from phase-Stitcher or phase-
                        Extender. The table file should be in the format
                        output by 'VCF-Simplify'; only long format table is
                        supported for now.
  -outVCF OUTVCF        Name of the output VCF file.
  -vcfHeader VCFHEADER  A custom VCF header to add to the VCF file. The VCF
                        header should not contain the line with #CHROM ....

Additional flags for "Table To VCF":
  -GTbase GTBASE        Representation of the GT base is : numeric (0), IUPAC
  -samples SAMPLES      Name of the samples -> comma separated name of the
                        samples that needs to be converted to VCF format
  -formats FORMATS      Name of the FORMAT tags to write -> comma separated
                        FORMAT tags name.
  -infos INFOS          Name of the INFO tags to write -> comma separated INFO
                        tags name.

Example 03 (TABLE to VCF):


  • requires "VCF header" from other VCF or custom VCF, with no #CHROM line.
  • the type of the data in "GT" should be indicated.
python3 VCF-Simplify.py BuildVCF -fromType table -inFile simple_table.txt -vcfHeader vcf_header.txt -outVCF table_toVCF.vcf -GTbase numeric

Example 04 (Haplotype to VCF):

*Note: This run with a minimal script.

python3 VCF-Simplify.py BuildVCF -fromType haplotype -inFile simple_haplotype.txt -vcfHeader vcf_header.txt -outVCF haplotype_toVCF.vcf

#f03c15 Upcoming features:

  • Ability to add genotype bases for fields other than "GT" .
  • Ability to handle symbolic alleles.
  • Ability to :
    • prepare custom diploid genome.
    • prepare custom GTF, GFF files.
  • Extract gene sequence using ref genome and VCF files for phylogenetic analyses.


Giri, B.K, (2018). VCF-simplify: Tool to build and simplify VCF (variant call format) files.