
Scripts to work on Amplicon sequencing

Primary LanguageR


Scripts to work on Amplicon sequencing

Will update as and when needed.


  1. Seqkit
  2. bbmap - repair.sh
  3. R and Libraries: Biostrings, ShortRead, DADA2



  1. used for bidirectional sequencing, which was popular a few years back on 454 and Illumina platforms. Unfortunately this works for Illumina Platforms, as others (454) etc are fairly trivial to account for.
  2. uses seqkit grep to locate primer sequences in the amplicon datasets. This is done via -d option which scans across for degenerate bases
  3. uses seqkit seq with -r -p -v parameter sets for reverse-complementing via -r -p switch -v to validate the bases.
  4. Tried seqkit locate with -P -d -i -r parameter sets for searching primary strand with degenerate bases and case insensitivity, but its super slow. locate results in about 2-5% more number of sequences than grep but needs exploring.
  5. Comparative note after the entire process is done, all the seqkit processes running on single thread:
Before any processing:
	Forward	Complement	Reverse	RevComp
FWD.ForwardReads	159453	0	0	2034
FWD.ReverseReads	181109	0	0	1648
REV.ForwardReads	165373	0	0	1244
REV.ReverseReads	148850	0	0	754

With seqkit locate:
                 Forward Complement Reverse RevComp
FWD.ForwardReads  134792          0       0    2443
FWD.ReverseReads     979          0       0  151956
REV.ForwardReads     587          0       0  149638
REV.ReverseReads  133569          0       0     945
Time: ~4mins

With seqkit grep:
                 Forward Complement Reverse RevComp
FWD.ForwardReads  133467          0       0     168
FWD.ReverseReads     176          0       0  149150
REV.ForwardReads      27          0       0  148587
REV.ReverseReads  132896          0       0      17
Time: ~1min


  1. Use untrimmed reads only
  2. sh correct_bidirectional.sh primer1 primer2 /path/to/seqkit /path/to/bbmap #no.of.processes


  1. Some data loss is expected, if either primers are not sequenced through.
  2. seqkit uses a single thread. #no.of.processes refers to the number of samples processed in parallel. Feel free to increase the number of threads (n) using -j n by editing the shell script after each seqkit invocation