
Simple BMP image reader for MicroPython and CircuitPython

Primary LanguagePython

Simple BMP image reader for Circuit/MicroPython

This class reads in a simple BMP image returning a multi-dimensional array of RGB values ideal for displaying with an array of Neopixels.


Copy lib/bmp_reader.py to the /lib directory on your Circuit/MicroPython device.


>>> from bmp_reader import BMPReader
>>> img = BMPReader('image.bmp')
>>> img.width
>>> img.height
>>> pixels = img.get_pixels()
>>> pixels[0][0] # top-left
(255, 0, 0)
>>> pixels[7][7] # bottom-right
(0, 255, 255)

For a more complete example displaying the image on an 8x8 Neopixel display, see example.py.

Image format

This reader only understands very basic aspects of the BMP format. The library supports images with 24-bit colour depth and no compression. The example image.bmp file was created in GIMP.