
UC Berkeley CS 182 Final Project

Primary LanguagePython

Final Project for CS 182

Vision: Training a robust image classifier

  • Various approaches to prevent overfitting
  • Dataset augmentation
  • Domain randomization

Training dataset: Tiny-ImageNet Dataset

  • Tiny ImageNet dataset is a subset of ImageNet. Instead of 100 classes, Tiny ImageNet only has 200 classes. There are about 100k images in the dataset.


  • Note that the code was using CUDA 10.1 and a Tesla V100 GPU. If there is no CUDA device available, default CPU option will be used, albeit slow.
  • Requirements: Install all the dependencies via pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Start Training: python train_resnet.py

Dataset Preparation

  • The format of the original validation dataset is different than the training dataset. To format the validation dataset into the correct way, please run: python val_format.py This script extracts all the subfolders in the images folder and take them out of the subdirectories so that each subdirectory now is treated as a class, and can be passed into ImageFolder processor provided by PyTorch.
  • The dataset extraction step is essentially done in tiny_loader.py. The gist is to make use of PyTorch's built-in ImageFolder, which takes a directory of directories and treat each sub-directory as the label of images in it.

Training Details

  • We compare ResNet 101 with ResNet 50. The classifier's backbone is a ResNet-50 architecture. I compared my implementation with PyTorch's official implementation, and there wasn't much difference.
  • After 200 epochs, I modified the last FC layer of the network and added Dropout. Then I train for another 200 epochs.
  • I also wrote a learning rate scheduler. The learning rate of the network decays by a factor of 0.5 each 10 epochs in the first 200 epochs, and then decays by a factor of 0.7 each 20 epochs in the second 200 epochs.
  • The training script also saves the model periodically:
    • I save the model very 10 epochs. The code that achieves that is:
    if save_e % 10 == 0:
        print('saving models for epoch ' + str(save_e))
        torch.save({'epoch': epoch,
                    'model_state_dict': net50.state_dict(),
                    'optimizer_state_dict': optimizer.state_dict()
                   }, 'resnet_epoch_' + str(epoch + 1) + '.pth')
        print('model saved')
  • I also save the training accuracy, training loss, validation accuracy, and validation loss in 4 NumPy arrays. They can be used later to plot the training process. You can optionally set up a TensorBoard to monitor the training process in real time, although more difficult.

Visualization and Interpretability

  • The project has several built-in methods to visualize and interpret the results of classification:
    • Class activation map (CAM): CAM is a covenient choice because batch normalizations are built in ResNet.
    • t-SNE: t-SNE makes visualization of the projected features. I used the off-the-shelf SKLEARN implementation and it is very slow. One run of t-SNE on the full training dataset takes about 50 minutes, and one run of t-SNE on the full validation dataset takes about 4 minutes.
    • Filters visualization: In the early stages of the network, it is possible to visualize the learned weights in the network. I wrote a script to extract the convolutional filters in the first layer, and visualize the filters as RGB images.

Generate classification csv file

  • Generate csv for test images to eval.csv by running
python gen_eval.py
  • Generate predictions of test images to eval_classified.csv by running
python test_submission_torch.py eval.csv