
Linux Tool to flash PCAN Routers

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Linux flash tool for PCAN Routers

This tool can be used to flash PEAK System PCAN Routers as an alternative to the PCAN-Flash Windows application.

As it is possible to build firmware images for the PCAN Routers with Linux this pcanflash tool was the missing piece to provide a complete toolchain for Linux environments: http://www.peak-system.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=1112

See announcement at http://www.peak-system.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=1818

Scripts and documentation to build PCAN Router firmware with Linux can be found here: https://github.com/peak-system/pcanrouter

This programm is currently tested with the following PCAN hardware:

  • PCAN Router
  • PCAN Router DR
  • PCAN Router Pro
  • PCAN Router FD
  • PCAN Router Pro FD
  • PCAN MicroMod Analog2
  • PCAN-MicroMod FD
  • PCAN-MiniDiag FD


As there's no flow control when a flash block is transferred the tx-queue-len should be extendend. The default queue length for Linux is 10 frames - the PEAK Linux driver v8.1 sets the queue length to 50 frames.

A tx queue length of 500 CAN frames is recommended to run 'pcanflash' which can be set by the 'ip' tool from the iproute2 package or by sysfs:

  • ip link set can0 txqueuelen 500

  • echo 500 > /sys/class/net/can0/tx_queue_len


ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000

ip link set can0 txqueuelen 500