
Unable to build platinum-local-SNAPSHOT.jar

Opened this issue · 3 comments


I'm unable to build the platinum-local-SNAPSHOT.jar due to not being able to access artifactregistry://europe-west4-maven.pkg.dev/hmf-build/hmf-maven.


./platinum run -n $EXPERIMENT_NAME -p $PROJECT -r $REGION -i examples/quickstart/colomini.yaml
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------< com.hartwig:platinum >------------------------
[INFO] Building platinum local-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
Downloading from artifact-registry: artifactregistry://europe-west4-maven.pkg.dev/hmf-build/hmf-maven/com/hartwig/api/java-client/1.35.0/java-client-1.35.0.pom
[INFO] ArtifactRegistry Maven Wagon: Retrieving credentials...
[INFO] Trying Application Default Credentials...
[INFO] Using Application Default Credentials.
Downloading from artifact-registry: artifactregistry://europe-west4-maven.pkg.dev/hmf-build/hmf-maven/com/hartwig/pdl/pdl-generator/1.0.2/pdl-generator-1.0.2.pom
[INFO] ArtifactRegistry Maven Wagon: Retrieving credentials...
[INFO] Trying Application Default Credentials...
[INFO] Using Application Default Credentials.
Downloading from artifact-registry: artifactregistry://europe-west4-maven.pkg.dev/hmf-build/hmf-maven/com/hartwig/pdl/pdl-spec/1.0.2/pdl-spec-1.0.2.pom
[INFO] ArtifactRegistry Maven Wagon: Retrieving credentials...
[INFO] Trying Application Default Credentials...
[INFO] Using Application Default Credentials.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  2.097 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2023-06-22T13:15:28+02:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project platinum: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.hartwig:platinum:jar:local-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies at com.hartwig.api:java-client:jar:1.35.0: Failed to read artifact descriptor for com.hartwig.api:java-client:jar:1.35.0: Could not transfer artifact com.hartwig.api:java-client:pom:1.35.0 from/to artifact-registry (artifactregistry://europe-west4-maven.pkg.dev/hmf-build/hmf-maven): Permission denied on remote repository (or it may not exist). 403 Forbidden
[ERROR] {"error":"Permission \"artifactregistry.repositories.downloadArtifacts\" denied on resource \"projects/hmf-build/locations/europe-west4/repositories/hmf-maven\" (or it may not exist)"}
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/DependencyResolutionException
Error: Unable to access jarfile ./target/platinum-local-SNAPSHOT.jar

I also have this problem. @Jasper51297 did you ever resolve this?

@morgantaschuk I had to check this with a colleague since it was quite a long time ago. I believe we used an old version where it did not yet make use of artifactregistry. You could try running version 5.31.0, the change was introduced later.

@morgantaschuk Apologies for the (very) late response. Platinum was mainly created for our internal use. It is available for everyone, but we only offer limited support on it for external users. It looks like a code change unintentionally made this project even less suitable for external users.

We have been putting a lot of work into the NextFlow implementation of our pipeline. This implementation is also open source, it is much better supported than platinum, and it has been intended for external users from the start. You might want to consider using that implementation instead.

If the NextFlow implementation doesn't suit your needs for some reason then we would love to hear about it so we can further improve it.