[Pedestron] Generalizable Pedestrian Detection: The Elephant In The Room. @ CVPR2021
Pinned issues
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#175 opened by gustavofuhr - 1
Config for custom datasets
#173 opened by AaspiralMoon - 3
Can you provide the code to convert the original annotations of the ECP dataset into COCO format (including vis_ratio)?
#172 opened by eorroot - 3
Testing a CP trained model on ECP val dataset
#171 opened by Git-Frk - 0
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A request for advice on pedestrian tracking work.
#169 opened by kuangxiaoye - 1
RuntimeError: Expected cudaMemcpy(&mask_host[0], mask_dev, sizeof(unsigned long long) * boxes_num * col_blocks, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) == cudaSuccess to be true, but got false. (Could this error message be improved? If so, please report an enhancement request to PyTorch.)
#157 opened by fuma8 - 1
custom dataset test
#166 opened by XGchengcheng - 0
Evaluate different pre-trained model
#167 opened by BehdadSDP - 1
Update instruction for 2023
#165 opened by phuvinhnguyen - 1
mmdet/ops/roi_align/src/roi_align_kernel.cu(145): error: identifier "THCudaCheck" is undefined
#164 opened by wangtingwei1993 - 3
error: identifier "THCudaCheck" is undefined
#146 opened by ShadowNinja10 - 0
Welcome update to OpenMMLab 2.0
#159 opened by vansin - 5
result has no bbox
#163 opened by decajcd - 2
What's ignore_other_vru in ECP evaluation?
#162 opened by 123dddd - 1
Training Caltech using CSP
#161 opened by wzczc - 1
Runtime error - Training with EuroCity persons
#160 opened by PriyamvadhaK - 1
Training citypersons with all the instances?
#158 opened by 123dddd - 1
ImportError: /pedestron/tools/../mmdet/ops/dcn/deform_conv_cuda.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so: undefined symbol: _ZN6caffe26detail37_typeMetaDataInstance_preallocated_32E
#156 opened by fuma8 - 6
Image_scale of Caltech while training
#155 opened by wzczc - 3
Reproduce resutls on Caltech dataset
#153 opened by dogdogpee - 1
Information regarding the training
#154 opened by ajay1234567899 - 1
CSP pretrained weights
#152 opened by Simardeep27 - 1
Impact of mean_teacher on the training process
#151 opened by qraleq - 4
Docker image is not working!
#149 opened by Nazila-H - 1
Identifier "THCudaCheck" is undefined
#148 opened by Simardeep27 - 1
Demo not workingt
#147 opened by MahdiyarMM - 1
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'frozen_stages'
#144 opened by ajay1234567899 - 1
Installtion has issue
#145 opened by nyanmn - 1
where to find the annotations for the extra train data of citypersons dataset?
#143 opened by ajay1234567899 - 1
LAMR for the caltech dataset
#142 opened by ajay1234567899 - 2
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CSP weight is corrupted
#139 opened by yeojinyeojin - 5
Test/Demo generate blank results using Faster R-CNN trained on ECP, CityPersons. From the other side, the Faster R-CNN hrnet model does not converge.
#138 opened by AndyVerne - 1
ERROR: Failed building wheel for opencv-python
#137 opened by Cow0horse - 3
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When I run “python tools/train.py configs/elephant/cityperson/cascade_hrnet.py”,report "TypeError: CascadeRCNN: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'num_stages'"
#135 opened by KyleLee233 - 1
HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
#134 opened by 17sarf - 1
colab notebook error
#133 opened by arunselva600 - 2
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Here's how to support cuda11/pytorch-1.10
#131 opened by ajtao - 1
Test trained model in different dataset
#132 opened by 123dddd - 2
Error when training htc_ResNeXt101
#129 opened by 123dddd - 3
How i can make predictions on my own dataset ?
#127 opened by yassiney - 2
Cell outputs disappear in Colab
#128 opened by 123dddd - 0
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Gdown doesn't download the model parameters
#125 opened by dandax123 - 3
Deadlink for the pretrained model parameters
#124 opened by dandax123 - 2
Test-time Loss for (Demo) Images
#122 opened by cpauling - 5
Reproducing Cascade Mask R-CNN on caltech dataset
#121 opened by Jonghu