This list is a collection of the best Deno KV modules and resources.
- kview - A web interface for viewing Deno KV stores.
- kivi - Deno KV Explorer for VSCode
- fresh-kv-tree-view - Deno.KV Tree Viewer on Fresh
- Deno KV Insights - Deno KV Insights is a tool for managing Deno KV database entries
- kvdex - High-level abstraction layer for Deno KV
- dongoose - A simple and easy to use ORM for Deno KV.
- otama - The KV abstraction for Deno KV
- pentagon - Prisma-like ORM built on top of Deno KV. Allows you to write your database schemas and relations using Zod schemas, and run queries using familiar syntax from Prisma.
- Done - A straightforward message queue solution
- kv_toolbox - Utilities for working with Deno KV (batchedAtomic, Blob, unique, ...)
- kv-utils - multiSet, replaceLocalDataWithRemote, wipeKvStore, count, ...
- deno_kv_oauth - High-level OAuth 2.0 powered by Deno KV.
- kv-connect-kit - Minimal Typescript client implementing the KV Connect protocol
- v8_valueserializer - A Rust implementation of V8's ValueSerializer and ValueDeserializer
- kv-key-codec - An encoder and decoder for the Deno-Kv multipart key format (FDB-Tuple)
- denokv - A self-hosted backend for Deno KV