
My Nord Rice


This is my first rice and first Arch install with a window manager (i3-gaps). This rice is not made for aesthetics. But I like gaps that is why I have less gaps in the rice so that I can be more productive in my laptop. It took 2 weeks to learn about all of the different packages and how to rice in general. The files are messy and I will clean it later, also I will add more things as I learn more about linux and all other things. This repo is made so that I can copy this in different system and I want to post this in r/unixporn.


How To Copy

  • I would suggest not to copy everything directly, because each system is different in many aspects (I have tried directly copying other rices many times and it didn't worked out).

  • The Best Way :

    • Install all the dependencies or only those one which you like.
    • Go through the dotfiles one by one and modify to your liking.
    • Then build your own config.
  • The Other Way :

    • These commands below are not tested. You can use your prefered way.

    • Make sure you have all the dependencies installed in your system (All Most of it is mentioned above in the Details section).

    • Then git clone this repository in your system. This command will clone this repo to your downloads folder (make sure you have git installed).

      git clone ~/Downloads
    • Then copy the config files. I would suggest not copy the files directly rathar you should go through the whole config files and then try to copy. This command will copy the files.

        cd ~/Downloads/dotfiles
        cp -r .config ~/.config
        cp .zshrc ~
        cp .p10k.zsh ~
    • Then reboot the system.


  • Polybar and Wallpaper

    Polybar and Wallpaper

  • Neofetch and Dunst

    Neofetch and Dunst

  • Firefox


  • Neovim


  • Feh, Ranger and Alacritty

    Feh, Ranger and Alacritty

  • Rofi


  • New Powermenu - rofi script (you will need feather.tff font for this its in the rofi folder)


  • Powermenu - rofi script


  • DuckDuckGo (Yeah, I switched)


  • Mpv and workflow

    Mpv and workflow

  • Ranger, Zathura, Colorls and Fzf

    Ranger, Zathura, Colorls and Fzf

  • Zathura and Neovim

    Zathura and Neovim

  • Betterlockscreen


  • Spotify


  • For unixporn

    qlock and

    For unixporn