
An example to demonstrate the correct structure for a Robot Programming individual assignment.

Primary LanguageJava

Robot Programming Assignment Skeleton

An example to demonstrate the correct structure for a Robot Programming individual assignment. If you want to use this to help you get started, you can fork this into your account and develop from there. Note: do not clone this to your workspace!


To use this project in Eclipse create a new standard Java project from it (e.g. via File > Import > Git > Projects From Git > URI). To this project, add the following dependencies:

  • the rp-shared project (add via Java Build Path > Projects)
  • the rp-pc project (add via Java Build Path > Projects)
  • the leJOS PC library (add via Java Build Path > Libraries > Add Library...)
  • the JUnit 4 library (add via Java Build Path > Libraries > Add Library...)

Command Line

To use this project in other build systems, e.g. compiling from the command line, you should download the jars from the dependencies:

And make sure you have leJOS installed. You can then compile as follows:

javac -cp $NXJ_HOME/lib/pc/pccomm.jar:$NXJ_HOME/lib/pc/pctools.jar:rp-shared.jar:rp-pc.jar:junit-4.12.jar:hamcrest-core-1.3.jar  src/rp/assignments/individual/ex1/*.java

And run:

java -cp $NXJ_HOME/lib/pc/pccomm.jar:$NXJ_HOME/lib/pc/pctools.jar:rp-shared.jar:rp-pc.jar:junit-4.12.jar:hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:src rp.assignments.individual.ex1.IndividualAssignment1Simulation