- 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 3
Update packages needed for installation
#27 opened by jihe-liu - 2
- 3
If pooled, separate the cells into the 8 samples
#12 opened by mistrm82 - 2
update the elbow plot
#24 opened by mistrm82 - 0
Accessing raw data after normalization
#28 opened by marypiper - 0
QCMetrics error in DGE lesson
#31 opened by marypiper - 5
update images in marker identification
#26 opened by rkhetani - 2
Warning messages in RunPCA()
#1 opened by marypiper - 1
add a link to QC to show bad data
#14 opened by mistrm82 - 1
update the answer key for QC
#25 opened by mistrm82 - 1
QC lesson: change the seurat object name?
#23 opened by jihe-liu - 1
Note on sc nuclear RNA-seq
#15 opened by mistrm82 - 0
Having two 2-day workshops
#3 opened by mistrm82 - 1
finalized decision tree
#21 opened by marypiper - 0
base decision tree
#4 opened by mistrm82 - 0
need a new FindMarkers lesson
#7 opened by mistrm82 - 4
how many cells do we expect?
#10 opened by mistrm82 - 1
Add “label=T” to the plots for FeaturePlot()
#6 opened by mistrm82 - 1
compress R objects for faster download
#16 opened by mistrm82 - 1
take out reticulate from install instructions
#17 opened by mistrm82 - 1
updating teaching laptop for UMAP
#18 opened by mistrm82 - 1
- 0
- 0
split the clustering markdown
#13 opened by mistrm82 - 0
start the analysis with integration
#2 opened by mistrm82 - 1
Remove all TSNE plots
#22 opened by marypiper - 0
split Intro markdown
#9 opened by mistrm82 - 0
troubleshooting slide deck
#5 opened by mistrm82 - 1
8 pooled samples versus 1 sample?
#11 opened by mistrm82