
Parallel mapreduce for Julia

Primary LanguageJuliaOtherNOASSERTION


This package provides the function pmapreduce. This function is essentially

function pmapreduce(f, op, itrs)
    @distributed op for arg in itrs

However, since @distributed partitions itrs evenly across nodes, some nodes may be idle if the nodes are different in computational speed, or equivalently if f takes different time to compute depending on the input. With the added option pmapreduce(f, op, itrs...; algorithm = :reduction_local), computations are dynamically load balanced, that is, the elements in itrs are only distributed to a worker which is free. The result of each computation of f is stored and reduced locally, until itrs is exhausted, and then sent back to the master process, where the results from the nodes are further reduced, thus saving communication bandwidth.


function test()
    @everywhere function f(n)

    args = [5, ones(Int, 9)...]

    val_even = @time pmapreduce(f, +, args)
    val_uneven  = @time pmapreduce(f, +, args; algorithm = :reduction_local)

    println(val_even, " ", val_uneven)

julia> test()
  9.039506 seconds (150 allocations: 6.562 KiB)
  7.048571 seconds (1.91 k allocations: 81.703 KiB)
14 14

The option :reduction_master is also available, where the result of every f computation is sent back to the master, where the reduction is performed.