
A native plugin for Unity that provides simple packet division and restoration.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This is a native plug-in that divides a given data (System.IntPtr or array) into specified sizes and restores them regardless of the input order. It is intended for use cases such as sending large data via UDP.


  • Unity Package
  • Git URL (UPM)
    • Add https://github.com/hecomi/uPacketDivision.git#upm to Package Manager.
  • Scoped Registry (UPM)
    • Add a scoped registry to your project.
      • URL: https://registry.npmjs.com
      • Scope: com.hecomi
    • Install uPacketDivision in Package Manager.


Currently, it is only built for Windows.

How to use


Create a Divider and call Divide<T>(T[]) with the array as input (or Divide(System.IntPtr, int size)). This will divide the packet internally.

Divider divider = new Divider();

void Divide()
    Texture2D image;
    var pixels = image.GetPixels32();
    divider.maxPacketSize = packetSize;

Then, send the split data to the remote in some way. The following functions are available.

  • GetChunkCount().
    • the number of chunks.
  • GetChunk()
    • The byte[] array of the split data
  • GetChunkSize(int index).
    • The size of the split data.
  • GetChunkData(int index).
    • The pointer of the split data Here is an example of using uOSC.
uOSC.uOscClient client;

void Send(int width, int height)
    client.Send("/Size", width, height);

    for (uint i = 0; i < divider.GetChunkCount(); ++i)
        client.Send("/Data", divider.GetChunk(i));

If you want to use the pointer and size directly, please use GetChunkSize() and GetChunkData() instead.


Use Assembler to assemble the data sent to you. Here is an example of the receiving part using uOSC.

Assembler assembler = new Assembler();
Texture2D texture;

public void OnDataReceived(uOSC.Message message)
    if (message.address == "/Size")
        var w = (int)message.values[0];
        var h = (int)message.values[1];
        OnSize(w, h);
    else if (message.address == "/Data")
        var data = (byte[])message.values[0];

void OnSize(int w, int h)
    texture = new Texture2D(w, h);

void OnData(byte[] data)
    assembler.timeout = timeout;

Each time you add data, check for the completion or loss as follows.

void CheckEvent()
    switch (assembler.GetEventType())
        case EventType.FrameCompleted:
        case EventType.PacketLoss:
            var type = assembler.GetLossType();
            Debug.LogWarning("Loss: " + type);

If you want to get a pointer and its size instead of an array, the following APIs are available.

var index = assembler.GetAssembledFrameIndex();
var data = assembler.GetFrameData(index);
var size = assembler.GetFrameSize(index);
OnDataAssembled(data, (int)size);

Then, the data reconstruction will be completed as follows.

void OnDataAssembled(Color32[] pixels)
    GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = texture;