- 1
Copyright claim in
#679 opened by yashkohli88 - 2
me.prettyprint.hector.api.exceptions.HectorTransportException: Unable to open transport to (
#645 opened by salihkardan - 3
No Documentation available for Hector with SSL
#660 opened by fatemabw - 2
Clients wait indefinitely when pool exhausted
#638 opened by mohitanchlia - 1
NPE with JPA 2.0
#564 opened by mkolesnikov - 3
default validator comparator type on hector clients: "cannot parse 'SomeColumn' as hex bytes"
#674 opened by krishna81m - 0
hector 1.1-4 throws TimedOutException() on Cassandra 2.1.12
#673 opened by krishna81m - 0
- 0
- 1
DynamicLoadBalancingPolicy: LatencyAwareHClientPool may throw NoSuchElementException under certain circumstances
#650 opened by jsbret - 3
Memory problem on ConcurrentHClientPool using HThriftClient with TFramedTransport
#665 opened by flefilla - 4
- 0
Implement consistent logging for setters in me.prettyprint.cassandra.model.ConfigurableConsistencyLevel
#656 opened by lewismc - 5
getting data from cassandra, column name from cassandra trailing with blank characters
#649 opened by sham-hq - 0
CQL 3 not supported
#654 opened by Deepak-Vohra - 0
in 1.0.3 When many request come to hecotor pool . more than one node have problem.
#647 opened by fbwotjq - 6
- 0
- 2
Trivial improvements to *pom.xml
#641 opened by lewismc - 0
Wiki points to
#640 opened by ngokli - 0
- 2
- 2
HLocks configuration should allow a definable gc_grace seconds, instead of using default 10s
#636 opened by cywjackson - 5
- 2
clock should get in a static way in HConnectionManager
#629 opened by dereek - 0
- 2
Upgrade to commons-lang3
#621 opened by eugenp - 1
- 2
Rows with no columns throw a "thriftColumn is null" assertion error when constructing results
#570 opened by tfoel - 6
Tests fail in IDE (eclipse)
#543 opened by jhhdk - 4
Hector HUnavailableException in Cassandra cluster
#610 opened by nivance - 2
When can hector support cql3?
#607 opened by nivance - 4
- 4
Update commons-pool version to 2.0 to fix active connections going negative
#602 opened by dangermccann - 0
Critical bug in CQL version selection
#600 opened by malexejev - 0
- 1
ConfigurableConsistencyLevel is not thread safe
#596 opened by pablotdl - 3
- 1
Unable to get a hello world to succeed
#590 opened by AtticusNotFinch - 1
There is no ring for keyspace: xPCache with 2 clusters running on the same machine.
#579 opened by alexsisu - 0
object-mapper - change visibility of HectorObjectMapper#addToExtraIfCan to protected
#583 opened by maciejmiklas - 0
Support a maximum connect time per host
#581 opened by alcanzar - 1
build error on master branch
#577 opened by yuhanonescreen - 0
ability to retrieve the KS in the CFtemplate
#576 opened by cywjackson - 0
hector-object-mapper persistence provider error
#575 opened by arturnt - 1
missing OSGi dependency causes failure
#571 opened by amichair - 5
what happened to ExhaustedPolicy?
#559 opened by The-Alchemist - 3
Object Identity
#541 opened by jhhdk - 1
HOM @EmbeddedId
#542 opened by jhhdk - 1
ThriftCfDef doesn't allow adding ColumnDefinitions unless specified on the constructor
#540 opened by btoddb