- 4
Request to up to date
#122 opened by zhaolinlau - 5
<script> and <style> not being highlighted when the cursor is inside the tags
#117 opened by zhaolinlau - 5
Not using tree sitter grammars
#102 opened by dflock - 0
Joining @atom-ide-community
#112 opened by aminya - 1
JS highlight syntax problem in tag <script>....
#110 opened by Recly - 1
text highlighting for tag `v-bind` in style block
#115 opened by jon-myers - 2
- 1
Null Propagation operator support
#109 opened by DutchGerman - 7
Answering a Call for Maintainers
#118 opened by confused-Techie - 6
Nullish coalescing operator (??)
#111 opened by mrleblanc101 - 0
Custom block incorect scope
#113 opened by mrleblanc101 - 6
No support for optional chaining
#97 opened by pmrotule - 1
- 3
- 1
is there anyway to use lang="pug" in vue template?
#104 opened by adndyxu - 2
Language server exceeded
#93 opened by HDenizD - 1
Atom freezes after hit enter in .vue file
#99 opened by phlegx - 2
Use this repo as sub for your snippets?
#98 opened by TriMoon - 2
Multiple Extra Lines After Attribute List
#81 opened by superjoefly - 1
performance issues?
#79 opened by FossPrime - 1
- 2
- 2
- 1
Tab not working - disabled with Atom-Vue
#89 opened by vpiskunov - 3
language-vue causes CPU usage spike
#92 opened by SKalt - 4
Additional snippets via a PR
#94 opened by abea - 2
Editor keeps on crashing after install.
#95 opened by abetrs - 1
Please add this function!
#96 opened by btdadada - 4
- 1
Use babel syntax if exist
#84 opened by alxtz - 2
Atom 1.28.2 issues
#90 opened by alistairholt - 3
- 2
- 1
Components with pug templates does not allow line break before closing template tag
#74 opened by repoman - 3
- 2
Adjacent JSX err
#75 opened by corysimmons - 2
- 3
My property is still unable to highlight
#57 opened by DeronEndless - 1
Install instructions
#72 opened by barraponto - 3
Syntax Hightlight Error When Use Stylus
#70 opened by visualxcode - 1
- 1
Support for linters
#65 opened by StevenDoesStuffs - 2
SugarSS for PostCSS
#64 opened by Svenskunganka - 1
add support for async methods in component
#62 opened by bobmoff - 1
syntax highlighting on functions
#61 opened by nikocraft - 2
- 2
- 1
- 2
Can not install
#55 opened by knuks - 2
Auto-closing tags problem
#56 opened by Sidewinder1138