
Hedera DApp built with React, Material UI, and JavaScript, enabling seamless token transfers on the Hedera Testnet network. This DApp supports multiple wallet options, including HashPack, Blade, and MetaMask.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hedera DApp with MetaMask, HashPack, and Blade Integration

Transfer Hedera tokens with ease using this DApp built on the Create React App Hedera DApp template. It leverages Material UI and JavaScript, providing support for HashPack, Blade, and MetaMask wallets.


This repo is intended to be used alongside the tutorial: Develop a Hedera DApp with MetaMask, HashPack, and Blade Integration

To follow along, start with the main branch, which is the default branch of this repo. This gives you the initial state from which you can follow along with the steps as described in the tutorial.

git clone git+ssh://git@github.com/hedera-dev/multi-wallet-hedera-transfer-dapp-js.git

To skip ahead to the final state, use the completed branch. This gives you the final state with which you can compare your implementation to the completed steps of the tutorial.

git fetch origin completed:complete
git checkout completed

Completed Branch Usage

  1. Execute npm i
  2. Execute npm run start to start the project

Blade requires the use of HTTPS in order to pair wallets. An .env file exists in your root directory with HTTPS=true in order to connect to blade.


Hedera Testnet account

Don't have one? Create one by going to portal.hedera.com. This testnet account will recieve 10,000 test HBAR every 24 hours!

Hashpack Wallet

Blade Wallet

  • Install the Blade extension.
  • Import a Hedera ED25519 testnet account into Blade.

Metamask Wallet

How to activate your account on Hedera Testnet

  • Activate it by transferring any amount of test HBAR to your EVM address


This project uses a configuration file located src/config/networks.ts.

export const networkConfig = {
  testnet: {
    network: "testnet",
    jsonRpcUrl: "https://testnet.hashio.io/api", // check out the readme for alternative RPC Relay urls
    mirrorNodeUrl: "https://testnet.mirrornode.hedera.com",
    chainId: "0x128",

JSON RPC Relay Endpoint Alternatives

This DApp utilizes Hashio to connect to Hedera Testnet over RPC. There are three options available to establish a connection to Hedera Networks:

  • Hashio
  • Arkhia
  • Hedera JSON RPC Relay

Follow the guide how to connect to Hedera Networks over RPC to connect using Arkhia or a local version of the Hedera JSON RPC Relay.
