- Please help contribute this library by adding pull request.
- When you want to add mujoco robot files:
- Please follow example reacher to separate robot xml file to robot.file, shared.file, <specific_task>.file.
- If you want to use mocap, please add mocap_statement.xml and _with_mocap.xml, e.g example sawyer
- Check out this repository as a submodule of your working repository, into robotsimlib
$ git submodule add -f https://github.com/hjzh4/robosimlib.git robosimlib
# Let's say we want to use mujoco sawyer for reach task
from robosimlib.robosimlib_configuration import MUJOCO_ROBOTS_DIR
sawyer_mujoco_file_path = os.path.join(MUJOCO_ROBOTS_DIR, 'sawyer', 'reach.xml')