Simulate Universal Robot Arm and compare different DeepRL approaches for picking cube
The Q network and policy network is very much like simple Advantage Actor-Critic, but in DDPG, the Actor directly maps states to actions (the output of the network directly the output) instead of outputting the probability distribution across a discrete action space
As used in Deep Q learning (and many other RL algorithms), DDPG also uses a replay buffer to sample experience to update neural network parameters. During each trajectory roll-out, we save all the experience tuples (state, action, reward, next_state) and store them in a finite-sized cache — a “replay buffer.” Then, we sample random mini-batches of experience from the replay buffer when we update the value and policy networks.
For the policy function, our objective is to maximize the expected return
TD3 is inspired by double DQN and solves the issue of the overestimation of critic values and has the following changes over DDPG.
- Using Two main critic networks apart from their target networks.
- Delaying update for actor-network.
- Action noise regularisation.
Target Policy pi(a|s): It is the policy that an agent is trying to learn i.e agent is learning value function for this policy.
Behavior Policy b(a|s): It is the policy that is being used by an agent for action select i.e agent follows this policy to interact with the environment.
On-Policy learning algorithms are the algorithms that evaluate and improve the same policy which is being used to select actions. That means we will try to evaluate and improve the same policy that the agent is already using for action selection. In short , [Target Policy == Behavior Policy]. Some examples of On-Policy algorithms are Policy Iteration, Value Iteration, Monte Carlo for On-Policy, Sarsa, etc.
- Continuous exploration: As an agent is learning other policy then it can be used for continuing exploration while learning optimal policy. Whereas On-Policy learns suboptimal policy.
- Learning from Demonstration: Agent can learn from the demonstration.
- Parallel Learning: This speeds up the convergence i.e learning can be fast.