Integrate opendtu and ahoy into Victron Energies Venus OS as a pv inverter
- 0
Use new register method starting Venus OS v3.50
#237 opened by henne49 - 13
Inverters are not shown in venus.OS
#238 opened by NotToBeTold - 1
NumberOfInvertersToQuery still needs to be set
#234 opened by henne49 - 3
Enhancement request: Support for HomeWizard JSON
#219 opened by bwbboot - 0
Use a more descriptive Name in run service
#232 opened by henne49 - 0
- 0
Removal of obsolote files, when upgrading
#231 opened by henne49 - 1
Versioning Action fails
#235 opened by henne49 - 14
No voltage and current at details Venus os 3.50
#220 opened by testpaul999 - 5
- 19
Nach Update der DTU keine Verbindung mehr zum VRM
#221 opened by s3sen - 6
Request: Multiple openDTU in one VenusOS
#117 opened by TheGrumpyBadger - 5
Probleme mit den LOADS
#212 opened by derGreyson - 7
Fehlermeldung mit der neuesten Version von OpenDTU
#214 opened by stxShadow - 7
SyntaxError in config.ini
#208 opened by marioAI - 7
The PV Production is counted as consumption
#207 opened by rost1000 - 1
Wrong Measurement behavior
#206 opened by mrstackit - 6
OpenDTU inverters not showing up after updates
#202 opened by MichaelJuel - 1
README.md Fehler eingeschlichen ?
#178 opened by buntelichter - 4
- 20
Automatic log-file rotation seems to be missing
#173 opened by mpvader - 14
Question: OpenDTU inverter selection
#127 opened by moonilightshaker - 7
Support Opendtu onbattery
#166 opened by OnkelQuincy - 0
#165 opened by OnkelQuincy - 6
Comment in config.ini is wrong
#155 opened by Sonny13 - 2
Open dtu wird nicht angezeigt
#160 opened by firehawk1979 - 2
Falsche Installationsanleitung
#153 opened by KarlMeier1933 - 3
Nach Update von openDTU V23-12-18 auf V24-04-05 geht die Einbindung bei Victron nich mehr
#156 opened by Jch24 - 1
socket timeout
#154 opened by Berondal - 6
get lots of errors, need help with config-file to use for a TASMOTA SML Reader
#151 opened by Jusch777 - 2
- 1
Wrong Data - maybe an issue with Shelly 3EM Code
#150 opened by fellpower - 14
OpenDTU v24.2.12 breaking API changes
#139 opened by mapietru - 20
2 opendtu ins VRM integrieren (HM600 + HMS 2000)
#141 opened by s3sen - 3
- 8
No function after reinstallation
#135 opened by e-i-k-e - 3
- 1
Feature Request: modify AcPosition via GUI
#136 opened by konus1 - 2
Service scheint nicht zu starten
#130 opened by Jch24 - 4
#133 opened by ckvsoft - 1
Nichts auf dem Dashboard zu sehen.
#134 opened by tmonxx - 1
Not visible in SetupHelper
#132 opened by dersch81 - 5
- 7
keine Anzeige im VRM-Dashboard, in Remote-Konsole nur Anzeige von "VA" (keine Watt-Angabe)
#129 opened by ahhkoch - 6
Question: Integration of APSystems EZ1-M
#128 opened by twachti - 8
Show "Total Yield"
#121 opened by andreas-bulling - 1
OpenDTU is shown as Fronius
#118 opened by sbernhard - 5
DTU missing under dbus-spy Err 111
#119 opened by 1411Alex - 8
No device in Remote Console visible - Bug: cannot handle gaps in Ahoy inverter number sequence
#113 opened by rela7 - 3
How to delete Tasmota Tap
#115 opened by Mashup39