A mini autograd engine and neural network library with a PyTorch-like API.
The autograd engine implements backpropagation over a dynamically built DAG for a subset of Tensor
operations. The order in which gradients are computed is determined through a topological sort of the computational graph nodes.
The neural network library is primarily for demonstrating usage of the autograd engine, with implementations for a nn.Linear
layer, nn.ReLU
activation, SGD
optimizer, and cross_entropy
loss. It also has some nuggets of insight into how neural network layers are nested in a Module
and what a Parameter
The code in this repo is primarily a "fork" of the backprop chapter from ARENA 3.0. I highly recommend the material in ARENA 3.0 overall. This repo was inspired by https://github.com/karpathy/micrograd; it's worth comparing the implementations to see the similarities and differences.
from engine.tensor import Tensor
a = Tensor([1, 2, 3], requires_grad=True)
b = 2
c = a * b
d = 2
e = d * c
e.backward(end_grad=np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]))
# Expected grads
assert e.grad is None
assert c.grad is None
assert a.grad is not None
assert np.allclose(a.grad.array, np.array([4.0, 4.0, 4.0]))
Check out demo.ipynb
for an example of training a 2-layer neural network (MLP) on the MNIST dataset. We borrow PyTorch's DataLoader
for an iterator through the dataset. All other training operations come from this repo.
To run the unit tests simply run:
pytest test