- 2
NestedScrollView fling issue
#197 opened by smelfungus - 0
- 9
Problem with using RecyclerView in NestedScrollView
#180 opened by handjiny - 0
Why deprecated ?
#220 opened by Lajesh - 1
Dynamic Image In AppBar ?
#199 opened by bbincybbaby - 2
Not able to use appbar layout with recycler view
#204 opened by sekharrockz - 0
- 0
Scroll getting for recycler list view in nested scroll view in android studio
#218 opened by pathak2308 - 3
downscroll in appbarlayout
#217 opened by vishal044 - 1
- 0
- 0
I imitate SmoothViewPagerParallaxExitUntilCollapsedActivity interface, overall structure of this project is viewpager + fragemment structure, but when I RecyclerView exist head when sliding to the top To be placed at the top, now in your control will slide out, what reason be?
#215 opened by jason12193 - 0
NestedScrollView problem
#214 opened by afinal - 0
RecyclerView setup horizontal, when i scroll RecyclerView to right or left, SmoothAppBarLayout auto scroll
#213 opened by vohoangtuit - 3
Not working with support design 26
#210 opened by DjamshidDjurayev - 9
deprecated after 26.0.0?
#208 opened by kassim - 0
My support:design is 26.+ How to compile it
#211 opened by fongfuse - 4
how can i make both toolbar and tabLayout stay top,not scroll out of the screen
#196 opened by Mao-x-w - 1
Compatibility issue with api 26
#205 opened by alejandroaap - 5
- 1
why is it deprecated?
#209 opened by zourb - 3
appbarlayout gets dissappeared
#203 opened by Shrikant-B - 8
Flexible CollapsingToolbarLayout height in SmoothViewPagerParallaxExitUntilCollapsedActivity
#202 opened by dan-huang - 1
Snap SmoothAppBarLayout
#201 opened by DenisMondon - 8
- 1
smooth coollisable
#198 opened by hafiz013 - 2
Version 25.3.1
#195 opened by DenisMondon - 5
Strange issue with toolbar title color
#194 opened by angryanatole - 2
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ViewPager quick return with Header and TabLayout
#191 opened by jintoga - 1
NestedScrollView overlapTop behavior and Toolbar
#190 opened by jintoga - 1
Toolbar "snap" doesn't work
#189 opened by shifatul-i - 1
Please update for new android support libraries
#188 opened by shifatul-i - 2
how to pin a view to the top in SmoothAppBarLayout
#187 opened by Chen-Sir - 2
Toolbar contain button and drag it
#179 opened by iztou - 5
setExpanded with animation does not seem to work
#185 opened by jonschmidt - 5
SmoothAppBarLayout works only with RecyclerViews
#184 opened by Jhuku - 2
SmoothScroll with ListView
#182 opened by ayinmursalin - 3
AppBarLayout.setExpanded(bool) causes strange behaviour
#183 opened by vszakd - 18
SmoothAppBarLayout overlaps listview
#181 opened by ant-ia - 2
Blank header issue when change tab
#169 opened by rahuldevanavar91 - 5
please help
#170 opened by MaheshCapcee - 4
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How to Use it in Xamarin.Android
#175 opened by Kasilingam1230 - 5
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#171 opened by gupengcheng - 2
initial state of SmoothAppBarLayout
#168 opened by fgutmann - 2
Snap flag not working
#167 opened by s12u