
Car tracking using a mixture of Gaussians and Kalman Filter for the KTH Applied Estimation course project

Primary LanguageMATLAB

---Applied Estimation Project---
Vehicle tracking with Mixture of Gaussian, Kalman and Particle Filter
    Michal Staniaszek
    Carlos Galvez del Postigo Fernandez

Directory structure:

Run "mainScript.m" to test the algorithm. Parameters to configure:

	videofile: name of the input video file (make sure you have appropriate codecs)
	filter: select the filter used. 0 = Kalman Filter, 1 = Particle Filter
	writeToFile: 1 to create an output video file of the tracked vehicles.
	filename: name of the output filename
	verbose: 1 to display particles
	RESIZE: resizing factor of the image. 1 = no resize, 0.5 = half size, etc.

Change the minimum and maximum blob area in "main.m":
	BLOB_SIZE_MIN (line 22)
	BLOB_SIZE_MAX (line 23)

Configure Mixture of Gaussians parameters: "mog_configure.m"
	ALPHA      %Learning rate (0.001-0.1)
	K          %Number of gaussians (3-5)
	T          %Fraction of background over foreground (0.7-0.9)
	SIGMA0     %Initial variance 
	WEIGHT0    %Initial weight

Configure Kalman Filter parameters: "kf_config.m":
	R - process noise
	Q - measurement noise
	sigma0 - initial variance
	dt = 1; %1 frame
	deltaM  Percentage of measurements that we think are valid

Configure Particle Filter parameters: "pf_defaults.m":
	nparticles  (1000-10000)

Running examples

The test videos are found in the folder "datasets/"

1) 'viptraffic.avi' with KF

videoFile = 'viptraffic.mp4'; %Input video file
filter = 0; %KF = 0, PF = 1
writeToFile = 0; %0 = no, 1 = yes
filename = 'visionKF'; %name of the output video file
verbose=0; %1 = display particles
RESIZE = 1; %1 = No resizing, 0.5 = image resized to a half, etc

BLOB_SIZE_MIN = round((N/20)^2); %in pixels
BLOB_SIZE_MAX = round((N/2)^2); %in pixels

2) 'visiontraffic.avi' with PF

videoFile = 'visiontraffic.avi'; %Input video file
filter = 1; %KF = 0, PF = 1
writeToFile = 0; %0 = no, 1 = yes
filename = 'visionKF'; %name of the output video file
verbose=0; %1 = display particles
RESIZE = 1; %1 = No resizing, 0.5 = image resized to a half, etc

BLOB_SIZE_MIN = round((N/20)^2); %in pixels
BLOB_SIZE_MAX = round((N/2)^2); %in pixels


3) 'mv2_005.mp4' with KF with pedestrian detection

videoFile = 'visiontraffic.avi'; %Input video file
filter = 0; %KF = 0, PF = 1
writeToFile = 0; %0 = no, 1 = yes
filename = 'visionKF'; %name of the output video file
verbose=0; %1 = display particles
RESIZE = 0.5; %1 = No resizing, 0.5 = image resized to a half, etc

BLOB_SIZE_MIN = round((N/200)^2); %in pixels
BLOB_SIZE_MAX = round((N/2)^2); %in pixels