
small python server to store sensor weather data

Primary LanguagePython

Weather Sensor Dashboard

Weather Sensor Dashboard Demo

This project is used for showing weather sensor data, i.e. of a BME280 sensor. The project has been developed in Python with the Flask Framework. Additionally, it uses Bootstrap, Chart.js, Moment.js, Popper.js and jQuery.

Setup in a production environment

If you want to setup the project in a production environment, please use a WSGI server, i.e. Waitress. To install the dependencies, please install python3 and python3-pip first and the run the following command:

pip3 install Flask Flask-wtf waitress

After you installed Flask, Flask-WTF and Waittress, you should first create the sqlite database by running (assuming you are running on a linux server) (inside the project folder!) :

export FLASK_APP=server
flask init-db

(If this does not work try python3 -m flask init-db)

Now you should be able to run the project (inside the project folder!) with

python3 start.py

Next, you can open the website using http://your.server:8080/. Please be aware, that you might need to open the port 8080 before. In general, it is recommended, to use a reverse proxy like nginx for the waitress server. One could use, i.e. the following settings for nginx:

location ~ /tmp_logger {
                proxy_set_header Host $host;

Important: Please change the SECRET_KEY in the init.py for security reasons

Now you can add new sensors using the menu on the left.

Using the api to load sensordata

Please make a POST request to the following URL: http://your.server:8080/api/add as content use the following:

POST-Field Description
sensorname The name of the sensor for which the data shall be saved
temperature The measured temperature (optional)
humidity The measured humidity (optional)
air_pressure The measured air_pressure (optional)


If you want to get started, please ensure you have Flask and Flask-WTF installed. If you did not install it yet, just run pip install Flask Flask-WTF. Then clone this directory, go into the cloned directory and run the following commands in the commandline (not powershell!):

set FLASK_APP=server
set FLASK_ENV=development
flask init-db
flask run

If you are using Unix Bash please run the following commands:

export FLASK_APP=server
export FLASK_ENV=development
flask init-db
flask run

Then you should be able to head over to http://localhost:5000/.

If you are now changing code, the server should automatically detect the changes and apply them.


  • Timesliders / Limiters for defining how many records you want to show
  • Combine multiple sensors to a group and show the mean / median / mod values in a given timerange
  • ITTT: If the temperature of a sensor is higher than XYZ, do ZXY
  • Battery Warning: Determine when the last record was sent by a sensor and output a battery warning, if it has been too long ago.


MIT. :)