ORB-SLAM Localizer with External Reference Mapping

This is a localizer node that uses maps generated from built-in mapper.

- Eigen
- OpenCV
- OpenGL

Mapping HOWTO

1) Prepare ROS bag files containing both image streams and ground truth pose 
   (may be separated). Ground truth pose must be in message type "geometry_msgs/
2) Make a copy of configuration file config/orb-slam2.yaml.in to some place, and
   edit it to put your configurations regarding:
   - Camera parameters
   - Localization output
3) Run the script orb_mapping.launch:
   $ roslaunch orb_localizer orb_mapping.launch \
   config_file:=<path_to_orb-slam-config> \
   external_pose_topic:=<topic_of_map_ground_truth_pose> \

   Please wait until visualization windows is open
4) Play the bags in slow rate
5) To stop mapping, press Ctrl+C in the console