This is the official code for the TWMM. TWMM (Template matching with Weights, Multilevel local max-pooling, and Max index backtracking) is a registration method for UAV thermal infrared and visible images taken by the camera with two sensors. The corresponding paper is A robust registration method for UAV thermal infrared and visible images taken by dual-cameras.
We have released the full source code.
These implementation of methods (SIFT, SURF, ORB, RIFT, RCB, TFeat, HardNet,TWMM) have been released. One can run these methodsas follows:
git clone
The implementation for RIFT and SCB refers to and
The experimental results for different methods are located in this directory:test_img.
The experimental results for different methods are located in this directory:test_img/out.
The subitems in experimental results: homo, matchpoints_img, mosaic, warp_thermal
This repo is currently maintained by Lingxuan Meng (