
Class repository for EECS 397: (Special Topics) Modern Robotic Programming for Fall 2015

Primary LanguageC++

Modern Robotic Programming, Fall 2015

Welcome to Modern Robotic Programming! This repository will contain all class-specific software, documentation, and will also function as a help center for students.


For a continually evolving set of information about the class, please refer to the Wiki which can be access on the sidebar to the right.

Git Help

This course will heavily rely on the use of Github and Git in general. If you are not comfortable with forking, cloning, branching, pushing, pulling, merging, and pull-requesting, you should definitely read up on them and practice how they're done.

Student Help / Issues

If you have a question about an assignment that is not pressing, please open up an issue on this repository (How-To). This will allow the instructor, TA, and perhaps other students to assist you in a public setting. If the issue is pressing and there has been no response, you may send an email.


Dr. Wyatt Newman (Instructor)

Luc Bettaieb (Teaching Assistant)