NHP Basal Ganglia taxonomy (AIT117)

Atlas of non-human primate basal ganglia, developed in collaboration with the BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network (BICCN).

Curate your taxonomy in 3 simple steps:

  1. Get Taxonomy Development Tools
  2. Load your data
  3. Browse

Get Taxonomy Development Tools

Pull the latest TDT docker image via following the steps defined in the project GitHub Container Registry.

docker pull ghcr.io/brain-bican/taxonomy-development-tools:latest

Load your data

Place your data (ex. AIT115_annotation_sheet.tsv) and configuration file (ex. ingestion_config.yaml) into your project's input_data folder.

Run following command in your project root folder to ingest your data files:

bash ./run.sh make load_data


Run following command in your project root folder to run the online data editor:

bash ./run.sh make serve

This command will print a set of logs including a log like nanobot::serve: listening on This means your web editor is ready, and you can start editing your data.

You can start browsing web taxonomy editor from: http://localhost:3000/table

For further details see Taxonomy Development Tools Documentation