
PointClouds are not visualized properly

pauldeee opened this issue · 6 comments

When using poses from the GTSAM graph with LIO-SAM the point clouds are not aligned properly.

Any ideas how to fix this?


Hi @pauldeee, I think this is the LIO-SAM issue. There is some extrinsic between the LiDAR and the imu in the LIO-SAM configuration. Please make sure you have the point cloud and the corresponding poses in the same frame, i.e., both in the LiDAR body frame or the imu frame.

Hi @samsdolphin,

I figured it out. The documentation states the pose file should have the format tx ty tz qw qx qy qz.


When I switch my file to have the poses in the format tx ty tz qx qy qz qw it works.


Sorry, I may have spoken too soon.

It seems while the change I made allows the visualize.launch to work correctly, hba.launch does not produce the expected results...


After running hba.launch with the default values then running visualize.launch again:

Hi @pauldeee, maybe you could share your point cloud and poses so I can figure out which parameters are suitable for your case? It looks very weird the overall point cloud quality decreases so badly after just one iteration :(

Hi @samsdolphin,

Here is a link to some test data:

This works fine with the visualize.launch. Could it be a TF issue that's causing it not to work with the hba.launch even though it works fine with the visualize.launch?


Hi @pauldeee, I checked your data and I found only 97 poses (pcds). If this is your total number of point clouds, I would suggest you use the BALM directly as HBA is designed to handle large-scale point cloud mapping, e.g, 1K or 10K or more poses.