Westlake BioBank for Chinese pilot project

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The Westlake BioBank for Chinese pilot project (WBBC)

The Westlake BioBank for Chinese (WBBC) cohort is a population-based prospective study with its major purpose to better understand the effect of genetic and environmental factors on growth and development from youngster to elderly. The dataset comprises a wide range of demographics and anthropometric measures, serological tests, physical activity, sleep quality, age at menarche and bone mineral density. WBBC is designed as a prospective cohort study and will recruit at least 100,000 Chinese samples. The pilot project of WBBC has recruited a total of 14,726 participants (4,751 males and 9,975 females) and the baseline survey was carried out from 2017 to 2022.

The R scripts and pipeline shell script are the Supplementary Software for our study.

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