- 0
- 0
Nothing works bro
#46 opened by DeathshotOfficial - 27
stopped working after UI update
#39 opened by catarium - 1
- 0
How do all objects move? I want to make smartphone support, but there is no right mouse button
#44 opened by Destony562 - 9
- 11
Posex Ui not working correctly
#23 opened by Gollum0002 - 1
saving as a json...
#16 opened by scruffynerf - 1
posex UI show nothing
#42 opened by rtsbtx - 6
Doesn't working at all
#40 opened by crwg - 6
these is nothing in tab
#35 opened by yyget - 0
#38 opened by willslaterr - 8
posex panle doesnt show
#29 opened by dadanzimao - 0
- 0
Bug: ControlNet and Pose - Load order
#36 opened by NamelessButler - 1
Generate button doesn't work
#30 opened by HomAfromPTZ - 0
rotate the whole body
#33 opened by thereisajojo - 12
Latest webui brakes posex
#26 opened by f-rank - 0
How to rotate two poses separately?
#34 opened by IgorDyx - 1
posex panle doesnt show, but......
#32 opened by sunjunbo-crypto - 7
cant not continue working 3day ago with 404
#27 opened by YMC-GitHub - 0
- 0
Feature: upload a image as coordinate
#28 opened by ljjsimon - 4
[Feature] Infer pose from an image
#11 opened by flesler - 7
- 1
Feature: ctrl+z
#25 opened by LjeDamos - 11
waiting for / memory leak
#1 opened by RoyRiv3r - 1
general notes
#10 opened by vladmandic - 2
Vertical lines when saving pose
#24 opened by ocdwolf - 1
- 2
feature req: ability to move multuiple limbs at once and ability to merge two poses into a scene
#15 opened by TwistedFromArma - 0
The content displayed on the panel is incorrect
#22 opened by ianmage - 0
[Feature Request]: Variable Joint Size
#20 opened by EmoryQ - 2
[Bug]: TypeError: Script.postprocess() takes from 3 to 5 positional arguments but 6 were given
#18 opened by EmoryQ - 6
Pose bones are "lines" instead of "ellipses"
#7 opened by EmoryQ - 2
3D editor uses 100% CPU
#12 opened by Zyin055 - 1
- 6
- 3
Posex panel is empty
#17 opened by linnkoln - 0
- 1
Loading a saved set of poses and then trying to add a body will override "body_2" then "body_3"
#6 opened by DarkVamprism