A react-native dropdown component easy to customize for both iOS and Android.
- 4
After scrolling screen when Click on Dropdown First time it does not open Smooth but with slightly UI disturbance & secondTime it work fine
#298 opened by wajahat959 - 2
Can I animate dropdown with animation libraries?
#287 opened by FBRAA - 1
Dropdown click issue when view is child of GestureHandlerRootView using react-native-element-dropdown
#314 opened by Zunaira-Haroon - 2
Each individual item cannot be accessed separately in the dropdown component for iOS
#297 opened by Wei92620 - 1
SelectCountry won't load images from uri.
#317 opened by DieterEOnofre - 1
- 3
Untested on new Architecture
#315 opened by wsdt - 0
Dropdown don't respet safe area
#313 opened by fgarciajulia - 1
NoDataFound while filtering the data
#289 opened by haroldmud - 1
Disable a menu item
#291 opened by jobberma - 0
TextInput: selectionColor and cursorColor
#312 opened by BXCAdmin - 0
Drop Down Searchable
#311 opened by saeculumBhaveshB - 0
ScrollBar modification
#309 opened by Farhan-96 - 6
- 1
Open Dropdown on Icon Click
#306 opened by T-Pyat - 1
Not able to automate the drop down for iOS devices. Drop down options are not able to inspect through both iOS Accessibility inspector and Appium inspector
#303 opened by Sanoop-PM - 1
Is it possible to customize the `accessible` attribute of `TouchableWithoutFeedback` in `MultiSelectComponent` -> `_renderModal`?
#292 opened by renjieguo927 - 0
How to search and filter using multiple fields
#301 opened by ashwaniYDV - 2
search : true triggers warning : 'Support for defaultProps will be removed from function components in future major release...'
#300 opened by bpachniewsk1 - 2
Changing the style of the selector
#305 opened by ka1ku - 3
Getting Maximum Depth Exceeded Warning when using it
#302 opened by anu1097 - 1
- 0
I want get MultiSelectProps
#299 opened by NguyenDanhTrien - 1
unfiltered data even when Search text is added when keyboard is closed and when keyboard is opened user unable see the options.
#288 opened by rajavarri - 3
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Picker Select is not working .
#293 opened by Anjali111199 - 2
Dropdown height css
#281 opened by trangqt2908 - 0
incorrect type for value prop
#286 opened by ChrisChiasson - 1
The entire Lodash library is being imported
#277 opened by sant3001 - 0
onChange event not firing
#285 opened by tocallaghan - 8
Support for defaultProps will be removed. Use JS default parameters instead.
#271 opened by MadhavKanna - 5
Invariant Violation: scrollToIndex out of range: requested index 28 is out of 0 to 1, js engine: hermes
#275 opened by ds-shubhamsharma - 0
Persist search query in search bar
#283 opened by kurucaner - 1
Item padding in the Drop Down list
#266 opened by devic021 - 1
search prameter
#280 opened by Saad-Amer-saeed - 1
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Crashes in production only - iOS
#276 opened by arlindiDev - 1
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Outside action not working first time
#270 opened by appasaheb4 - 3
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[Question] Issue related to dropdown height
#255 opened by dennisxddxdd - 1
Exclude item from search
#265 opened by PaviSF - 0
Data not populating: Android
#263 opened by ahmadkhan345 - 1
Does it support autocomplete
#262 opened by vricosti - 0
prop for style of search's placeholder
#261 opened by BR19-gh - 1
Dropdown Component is not visible in Android
#260 opened by prog-nayeem - 0
Outdated Documentation
#259 opened by asergb-churon - 16
Require local image instead of link
#256 opened by kriptcs - 1