
"Invalid modes mode: heat" in Home Assistant log

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Expected Behavior

  • No undesired log messages appear in Home Assistant log
  • All actions are available via Home Assistant interface

Actual Behavior

  • Home Assistant log contains the Invalid modes mode: heat line at ERROR level repeated once per zone update (i.e. a lot)
  • Zone visualization doesn't contain the correct icon, and the zone can't be turned back on once shut off (see the screenshots below), the control is missing
  • ...or so Home Assistant thinks, the affected zone is not actually shut off in HCC
  • Random zones are affected, different after each HCC restart

Root Cause

Correct mode is missing from the discovery packet emitted for the affected zone[s]. Compare:


  "name": "Family Room",
  "mode_command_topic": "~/mode/command",
  "mode_state_topic": "~/state",
  "mode_state_template": "{{value_json.mode}}",
  "modes": [


  "name": "Dining Room",
  "mode_command_topic": "~/mode/command",
  "mode_state_topic": "~/state",
  "mode_state_template": "{{value_json.mode}}",
  "modes": [
