
A Common Lisp development environment for Neovim

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Nvlime logo

WARNING: parsley neovim plugin should be installed for Nvlime to work.


Nvlime is a Common Lisp development environment for Neovim, similar to SLIME for Emacs. It is a fork of long lived Vlime plugin but with modernized UI.

It provides REPL integration, autocompletion with nvim-cmp, cross reference utilities, a nice inspector, debugger, trace dialog, and many other great facilities.

To get your feet wet: Quickstart


Vlime is a good plugin on top of the great tool. But it tries to sit on both chairs (Vim and Neovim), when their feature implementations keep diverging. Also it's UI is clunky and disruptive (at least for my taste). So Nvlime is supporting only Neovim and focusing on improving Vlime UI with new Neovim features. Check CHANGELOG.md to find out what have changed.

Current State

Nvlime is currently in beta state and in active development. So expect some changes to configuration, UI or behavior. MREPLs currently do not work. Please beware of bugs, and file an issue if you find anything weird/unexpected.



  • Neovim master branch with the support of a title for nvim_open_win() 1af4bd0
  • Helper plugin parsley
  • ASDF
  • Quicklisp
  • An Internet connection to install other dependencies from Quicklisp

Good to have:

  • nvim-cmp for autocompletion
  • parinfer or paredit plugin - Nvlime can only detect s-expressions inside parentheses. To make your life easier, use paredit or any of parinfer implementations, like: nvim-parinfer or nvim-parinfer-rust. Even though paredit isn't perfect, but in my experience parinfer plugins are the cause of annoying bugs at the time of this writing.

Supported CL Implementations

The CL implementations listed below are supported. If you tried out Nvlime with an implementation not listed here, please let me know (see the Contributing section below for contact info).

Implementation Version Notes
ABCL 1.4.0 Supported by the nvlime-patched backend
Allegro CL 10.0 Tested with the Express Edition
CLISP 2.49+ No multithreading support
ECL 16.1.3 No SLDB support
CCL 1.11
SBCL 2.1.19
LispWorks 6.1 Tested with the Personal Edition



Use :h packages or your plugin manager instructions to add Nvlime to Neovim. As dependency Nvlime uses parsley - it is my plugin with a bunch of auxiliary functions. So it should be installed too. After that run sbcl --load <neovim plugins dir>/nvlime/lisp/start-nvlime.lisp.

If it's your first time running the server, Nvlime will try to install it's dependencies via Quicklisp.


When the server is up and running, use Neovim to start editing a CL source file, and type <leader>cc (\cc by default) in normal mode to connect to the server.

You can also let Neovim start the server for you - <leader>rr. See :help nvlime-start-up for more info.

All Nvlime keymaps starts with the "leader", so you are free to change g:nvlime_nvlime.leader to a key that is convenient for you (by default it is mapped to \). Suggested keys are , or <Space>.

To find out all plugin mappings for the current window type <leader>? or <F1>. There are a set of global mappings, which do not show in the help window. They are listed below and work for all Nvlime windows:

  • q - to close the current window (except for lisp filetypes).
  • <leader>ww - closes all plugin windows except main windows.
  • <Esc> - closes last opened floating window except current one.
  • <C-n> and <C-p> to scroll last opened floating window. If this keys are messing up with your config change them with g:nvlime_mappings directory: global.normal.scroll_up and global.normal.scroll_down. You can adjust scroll step with g:nvlime_config.floating_window.scroll_step variable. It is set to 3 lines by default.

If you need to make some floating window to be persistent, just turn it into a normal window. You can do it by splitting it into you current window with <C-w>h, <C-w>j, <C-w>k, <C-w>l or split the whole Neovim screen with <C-w>H, <C-w>J, <C-w>K or <C-w>L.

Main windows (repl, sbcl and compiler notes) aren't floating and by default placed on the right side of the screen. You can change this behavior with g:nvlime_config.main_window variable, which can accept a position key one of "top", "bottom", "left" or "right" and size key.

To enable autocompletion with nvim-cmp, first set vim.g.nvlime_config.cmp.enabled = true. Additionally you need to register the source for nvim-cmp, read its documentation for more information:

require('cmp').setup.filetype({'lisp'}, {
    sources = {
        { name = 'nvlime' }
        -- other sources like path or buffer, etc.
        -- .
        -- .

See :help nvlime-tutor for a tutorial on how to use the main features, and :help nvlime for the full documentation.


The source repo for Nvlime is hosted on GitHub:


Issues and pull requests are welcome. Read CONTRIBUTING.md for more info.


  • To all the contributors of slime Emacs extension. SLIME is free software.
  • To all the contributors of Vlime plugin. Without it there wouldn't be Nvlime. MIT license.
  • To HiPhish for nvim-cmp-vlime Some code from it were converted from lua to fennel for autocompletion support. MIT license.
